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  1. M

    Are bicycle racks that obscure tags legal?

    One of my neighbors got sideswiped by some idiot who then proceeded to run. Neighbor has a dashcam so he figured it wasn't worth chasing. Unfortunately, upon reviewing the recording a wide bike rack obscures the tag. Is that legal? How do LEOs call in stops on vehicles like that? .
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    Today is International HappyHighwayman Day!!!

    Sketch out a maple leaf! Praise a 650 Savage! Recognize a mellow BARFer! Love him for what he brings us! .
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    PA School District Arming Students

    Back to their colonial roots: School to Arm Students .
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    The Internet and Lyrics (and how far can it go?)

    Years ago there used to be a few sites that offered lyrics. They may have been a pain to use (pop ups, search glitches, et cetera), but at least the lyrics were accurate. Now there are slews of easy to use sites...almost all with inaccurate lyrics. The errors are the same; they must be...
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    Plumbing Help: Whistling Toilet

    About a week ago one of our household toilets began to emit a high-pitched whistle after flushing and just as the tank topped off. It whistled for 20-30 seconds at first, but now it's in the 60-90 second range. It's a regular residential-type toilet, nothing fancy. Any ideas?
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    Any Good Riding Stories?

    I've been in riding withdrawal for a while now. The recent rains have exacerbated it. I had to hang up my spurs last year. Between post-stroke and medication (damn Simvistatin experiments to hell!) effects I could no longer responsibly ride. Sold my Ninja, gave away my gear. Mrs. was...
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    100 Item Challenge

    Mrs. is going through the whole house, top to garage, getting rid of things we don't use. Some is going to family and friends (if they want it), some to secondhand stores, a bit right to the dump. It is amazing how much crap we have inadvertently built up. Things that other people can use...
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    Patriarchy, here, around the world, and through history

    I am viewed as a male and that has accorded me many rights and often preferential treatment throughout my life. My partner is viewed as female, and has faced many hurdles that I have never seen or noticed because I am not part of her group. I don't want my progeny to suffer for this reflexive...
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    "Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me"

    My favorite episode from TV. "That kid peed in my coffee!"
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    Hyundai 2.4L recall

    About 10k miles ago we got a recall notice that some 2.4L motors might have bad bearings. We took the car in and she was allegedly fine. Around a month ago Mrs. noticed a rattle both on acceleration and deceleration. Took the car back in, they told us it was most likely carbon buildup and to...
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    There are nice people out there

    I went to one of our favorite restaurants tonight to order and take out food. Held the door for a family, they thanked me and offered for me to go first. I let them get seated and they thanked me again. I ordered and waited outside. Two people struck up short, courteous conversations as I...
  12. M

    Prostitution: Decriminalize, Legalize, or leave it as is?

    I am a strong proponent of decriminalizing it. From what I have seen and heard legalization simply introduces a layer of useless middlemen and pointless government bureaucracy. I think it is evident that criminalizing prostitution is pointless. In any case, what makes trading sex for security...
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    Salinas Airshow

    I got to see a flock of P-51s earlier today; how those Merlins hum. Now there's a very fast and VERY loud fighter (F-22?) tearing around and having a ball. I wish I had kept my tickets this year (gave 'em to neighbors), but I am catching quite a bit from my yard.
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    SB 101 past Gilroy MC fatality

    Around 10 am a rider went under a big rig. Be careful out there, folks. :( (Traffic is backed up from Aromas to Gilroy as of a few minutes ago.)
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    Batons and Vehicle Glass

    I've watched a bunch of videos over the years in which LEOs have to smack vehicle glass many times before it breaks. Most of the batons seem to be the extendable metal ones. What's the deal with that? And has anyone considered making a ceramic-tipped baton?
  16. M

    Friday Night...

    I was Youtubing random techno stuff and Global Deejays "San Francisco" popped up. Mrs. Bad Example immediately asked "are you watching the Friday Night Ride video?" Those rides turned her from a passenger into a rider. Good times from longish ago. :thumbup
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    Crazy Speedometer ('91 Nissan pickup)

    A couple of years ago the speedo on my '91 Nissan pickup (analog speedo, 5-speed gearbox) started to occasionally read about twice the speed. Sometimes it even reads more than that, enough to peg the needle at 30 mph. It is happening more frequently now. I have no speedometer-fu, so I have no...
  18. M

    IRS phone number with an actual person?

    I've been faithfully paying taxes for 36 years. Now they are not only screwing around with my refund, but they're calling up my 2015 filing as well. Do any BARFers have a number or "magic code" to get an actual live IRS rep on the phone? I've tried the Google advisories, no luck.
  19. M

    Do you stop for stranded or downed riders?

    The recent fundraising kerfluffle got me thinking. Mrs. and I stop whenever we see a moto at the side of the road if it is safe to do so. Doesn't matter what the moto is or what the rider is or isn't wearing; it's a reflex. Sometimes it was someone being dumb, either in their riding or their...
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    FREE Battery Tender harness

    I have the battery-to-Tender harness, and I'll mail it gratis to the first PMer. We used to stable a lot of motos, don't know who didn't hardwire theirs. Anyway, we don't need it and I hate to landfill it.