Recent content by mike23w

  1. mike23w

    Man volunteers for world first head transplant operation

    Man volunteers for world first head transplant operation "The Daily Mail reports".... take it with a grain of salt.
  2. mike23w

    If you didn't have to work, what would you do with your time?

    you have a budget of $30k/year or $2.5k/month after taxes are paid. about $50k/year pre-tax. you're 30 to 60 years old and in good health your house is paid off and you don't have any huge expenses. but living costs like food, clothes, car need to be paid with the $2.5k/month. in other words...
  3. mike23w

    Earth lost 50% of its wildlife in the past 40 years Summary: The number of wild animals on Earth has halved in the past 40 years, according to a new analysis. Marine animal populations have also fallen by 40% overall, with turtles suffering in...
  4. mike23w

    Severe California Drought: Before and After Pictures

    Current Reservoir Conditions in California Pictures taken 3 years apart.
  5. mike23w

    Why we Age (and Die)

    pretty interesting information jqCo-McgHLw 7th day adventists average lifespan is 88 years, about 8 years longer than the average US citizen. this religion encourages regular exercise, vegetariansim and avoiding alcohol and smoking.
  6. mike23w

    Deadpool Trailer edit: test footage, not a trailer. read they are gauging interest and green light if there's enough buzz.
  7. mike23w

    Roof Jump

    so many things could have gone wrong... f0xyzj545tc
  8. mike23w

    We're number 1! In denying global warming.

    The Strange Relationship Between Global Warming Denial and ... Speaking English
  9. mike23w

    LeBron: I'm coming back to Cleveland
  10. mike23w


  11. mike23w


  12. mike23w

    Amazon Fire Phone

    it's been a long while since i saw a phone that had interesting technology. 91x3JhanUoQ Features Dynamic Perspective Firefly technology Mayday One-handed short cuts One-handed short reading dynamic perspective isn't that interesting but...
  13. mike23w

    SPOILER: New Star Wars Pictures

    thank god lucas isn't involved. i'm pretty excited about the next film. more :
  14. mike23w

    Rhianna vs Avril Lavigne Meet and Greet

    a ton more