We picked ‘Zora’. Was: It's time to choose a name...whatcha got?


is insensitive
It's time to choose a name...whatcha got?

My wife has already picked a name...and I like it, but we still have a few days before we we lock it in. I might be able to convince her to change her mind. We're 99% sure it will be a female.

Whatcha got? Extra credit for names that require an explanation.

Previously rejected by wife:
  • Peeve
  • Apex (but possible if a male)
  • Any callsign from Top Gun (rejected by me too actually)
  • Any MotoGP rider

The best name for all children is Natasha.

Backwards it spells AH SATAN!


Ghost in The Machine
Staff member
If you want to follow alphabetical order in Dutch, here would be my picks:

Asiel (pronounced Ah-zeel) - Noun, Safety or protection
Bazig (pronounced Bah-zig)- Adj, Bossy
Bedelaar (pronounced Bay-del-at)- Noun, Beggar
Charme (pronounced Shar-may) - Verb, Charm
Degene (pronounced De-jey-ne) - Noun, The one
Dekken (pronounced Dey-kuh) - Verb, to protect
Edel (pronounced Ay-del) - Adj, Noble

If this concept is something you’re interested, I’ll continue the list tomorrow.

Wow. I had no idea. I always wondered why the dogs names were so...royal sounding.

While ours is pure, it isn't coming from line that inspires me to follow a naming convention like that.


Well-known member
Anything that ends in a strong vowel sound because that’s what the dog hears. -y anything works well.


Staff member
When I was a kid, I thought Cindy and Crystal (specifically, Crystal Gayle...dating myself with that) were the most beautiful names for a girl. (back off...I was a kid.) I named my first pet, a hamster, Cindy. She was a good hamster. She was fat (as a hamster should be) and only peed in my shirt a few times. I suggest Cindy #1.

#2, I had a stuffed horse that I thought was real--I still have it. It's name was Gigi. I have no idea why I called it Gigi. I think I might have spelled it GG--I was probably 4 when I had this horse originally. But Gigi is an excellent name also. :teeth


Ghost in The Machine
Staff member
Zora, after Belgian born American engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov.

Her ears are the same size, the right one is just slightly droopy at the tip.

From start to finish Hearts for Paws really took care of us. Can't say enough good things about the entire event / process.


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Ghost in The Machine
Staff member
We had six to choose from and narrowed it down to two. One of those two was aloof and generally uninterested. This one maintained interest.


Mr. Bad Example
We've never officially named a pet until we've spent some time with it, then it's what first sprang to mind.

Fangio earned his on the way home. The wee kitten got all four paws on the steering wheel and kept trying to make me pass.

Our friend's Queensland Heeler was called Glue; she stuck to Zach like, umm, glue.