We picked ‘Zora’. Was: It's time to choose a name...whatcha got?


Dirt Monger
I've always understood that a dog should have a two syllable name: anything less can be misinterpreted. More than that may just sound like bla bla bla.

My dad's last dog was named KomHere


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
i have heard the 2 syllable thing too and would like to point out that 'Rona is a 2 syllable word
Good Lord tim I thought you were having another kid.

I had a great dog named deeoh gee.


Last puppy was named Dottie and she was super sweet

A great name would be shark... Especially at the beach
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So....... traditionally all working dogs from a litter have a name that starts with the same letter. If this is the first litter from the breeder, pick a name that starts with “A”.

First name is the dog’s name, then the last name is usually some translation of “of breeder/town/house”. An example being “Alexa van kasteel Schwartz” is Alexa from the castle of Schwartz in Dutch.

Dutch is also the most common language spoken in Belgium, so I’d start there.
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If you want to follow alphabetical order in Dutch, here would be my picks:

Asiel (pronounced Ah-zeel) - Noun, Safety or protection
Bazig (pronounced Bah-zig)- Adj, Bossy
Bedelaar (pronounced Bay-del-at)- Noun, Beggar
Charme (pronounced Shar-may) - Verb, Charm
Degene (pronounced De-jey-ne) - Noun, The one
Dekken (pronounced Dey-kuh) - Verb, to protect
Edel (pronounced Ay-del) - Adj, Noble

If this concept is something you’re interested, I’ll continue the list tomorrow.