We picked ‘Zora’. Was: It's time to choose a name...whatcha got?


Well-known member
Hmmmm. Malinois. Thee languages spoken in Belgium: Dutch, French and German. I’m going with German. So, what about... Leola? I like it because it sounds feminine, but I like the meaning best. Leola means Lioness; Loyal; Faithful; Like a Lion; Dear; Brave.


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
+1 for Rona

Also please teach it a command for "kill"

Like the first time i meet this dog I'm going to tell it to Kill.. hopefully you teach it to sit, or lay down or something, not actually kill me


Master Of The Darkside
+1 for Rona

Also please teach it a command for "kill"

Like the first time i meet this dog I'm going to tell it to Kill.. hopefully you teach it to sit, or lay down or something, not actually kill me

"Rona- INFECT!" *dog jumps up on nearest human and starts licking their face*


Work In Progress
I can't name a thing till I see or experience it. Sometimes I even find that a name im not too crazy about just fits to well to be rejected. I say spend a few hrs with the pup and see what sticks.