Recent content by V4

  1. V4

    For 2021 Business Plan: Re use women's fake eyelashes as men's hair replacement pieces

    With the latest trends for the ladies of those big long eyelashes, I thought it'd be a great idea and make money to collect those used eyelashes and create hair pieces for balding men Who wanna get in on this venture?? :thumbup
  2. V4

    Dammit, I've reached that age where I can't even trust a fart

    :fart:jaded that is all
  3. V4

    Fun Times! Nice Meeting Everyone

    Hi Bishes :rofl
  4. V4

    I Miss The Good Ol Days When The Internet Was For Porn...

    today, it's just a place to cry about racisms sexism accusations etc. Old days, someone called me a Honda rider and I call them a gey Ducatista and we both moved on. Buncha bishes these days.
  5. V4

    On Facebook: What happened to teh BARF

    I remember belonging to the FB equal of teh BARF. Almost same members. Did they change their name and which group is it now? Thnx
  6. V4

    Has anyone ever answered a survey that’s reported in the media? do they work? I always see polls about political or social topics but who answers these surveys? Good example is what is the opinion of trumps presidency by the public but I can never tell where the question was conducted and who participated Have you taken a survey that reflects...
  7. V4

    So I can’t fully commit to an atv, UTV, or sidexside but I’m getting there

    Any recommendations ? Not looking at TRX, RZR but more along the lines of recreation, independent suspension, and no belt driven transmissions. Seen enough Polaris get stuck due to tranny failure
  8. V4

    North Korea in the News. Tunnel collapse at North Korea nuke facility

    200 dead How much nuclear leak or damage still unknown
  9. V4

    " Dotard " Kim Jong Un has to be on teh BARF

    do·tard ˈdōdərd/Submit noun noun: dotard; plural noun: dotards an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile. :rofl:laughing:laughing What a fucktard evolves into We need to add it to teh barf dictionary.
  10. V4

    8.0 Quake hits Mexico

    Prayers to the people in Mexico Exact location still unclear. Some media says Mexico City, other say south of Mexico. Tsunami warning in effect.
  11. V4

    I'm not a scientist but can say...

    It's hot :twofinger
  12. V4

    Check out the odd temps of San Francisco

    This is what's recorded right now in SF Tempurature's whacky hot
  13. V4

    Star Wars Force Friday Sale: so who went this morning and what ya get?

    Who went and what ya get? and some people were watching for each other's back...:laughing
  14. V4

    Cop tells motorist, " Cops only shoot black people..." :wtf the world is getting stranger than teh BARF....:nchantr
  15. V4

    Teh barf, nose hair, f@ckrard, and ducati

    I miss using those words. :twofinger