Do You Cry?


Well-known member
And Gollum wore a cockring when they bufu'd.

I like where this thread is going................ :rofl

I have ALWAYS been a crybaby.

Disclaimer- "I" think that I am a tough MF. I was in Cancun, by myself, for a week with a broken leg, torn ACL, MCL shattered knee and multiple bruised ribs. Upon returning home, I drove myself to Stanford and my Dr started YELLING at me.

Another time- I crashed my Mtn Bike (really badly) and I drove myself to Stanford. When I got there the Docs where shining lights in my eyes and shouting at me "How did you get here"???

But, if that stoopid ASPCA commercial comes on I will be sobbing in 5 seconds flat.

As a kid I used to have the nickname "Flipper", because I was obsessed with that program. Every day I would cry because I thought that Flipper was going to get killed-- I was not smart enough to realize that he would live to be on the next episode :laughing


Well-known member
Very rarely.

Yesterday, many times because yesterday was the anniversary of my Mom's passing and today would have been her 91st birthday. So yesterday was a pretty emotional day.

I'm very sorry for your loss. I purposely try to forget those type of anniversaries. I see no purpose for remembering them. I'd rather remember their birthday. I have an ex who calks me to say "you today is the anniversary of Diablos death". I give two fucks about being reminded of that shit. I only want to remember the good days.

No you just love someone.

I flunked stoic.

What a beautiful remark. Thank you.
Flunking Stoic is a great thing.


General Menace
Staff member
Not for a while. Mom passed in 2010. Last real blubber.

That did it for awhile.

A tear hear and there for the human struggle /success but that ain’t crying.
Didn't used to cry much at all. Not since High School anyway.

Now, as I'm a little further along the lifeline I find the tears seem to turn on more frequently and with less instigation.
Like Lefty and a couple other replies... dog deaths and mistreatment's can get em started.
And damn... just the other day I even dropped a few for a beauty moment (versus a tragedy moment).

It's kinda weird that my (self acknowledged elevated) pain threshold level doesn't usually cause tears when I'm feeling a lot of pain from injury. My tears seem to come more from emotion than physical pain.


It's funny to me to see folks talk about how songs or movies for moments with family will let them drop a tear or three, but that ain't crying.

My eyes will get wet anytime I hear Rainbow Connection. A puppet frog singing a song about friendship and I lose it on the first opening strums of that banjo. I'm not bawling but I'm there.

Why is it so hard to admit you cry? Sometimes I gotta let loose some good sobs, but that's rare. My crying is normal.


get it while it's easy
crying is good for you. :)

Researchers have proven what many caregivers have already figured out on their own: Sometimes there’s nothing like a good cry to make you feel better. While society often callously considers shedding tears to be a sign of weakness, it is a cathartic experience and highly evolved behavior.

Neuroscientist Dr. William H. Frey II, author of Crying: The Mystery of Tears and founder and co-director of the Alzheimer’s Research Center at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, has spent over 20 years studying crying and tears.

According to Frey, “Crying is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration, it’s also a healthy one.” It is a natural way to reduce stress that, if left unchecked, can have negative physical effects on the body, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other stress-related disorders. In addition to the physical benefits, research shows that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men feel less sad and angry after shedding some tears.

How Is Crying Good for You?

1. It Relieves Stress
Chronic stress can increase the risk of heart attack, damage certain areas of the brain, contribute to digestive issues like ulcers, and cause tension headaches and migraines, among other health issues. “Humans’ ability to cry has survival value,” Frey emphasizes. When it comes to stress reduction techniques for family caregivers, crying may not be as effective as something like respite care, but in dire circumstances a good cry can provide a temporary release.

2. Crying Lowers Blood Pressure
Crying has been found to lower blood pressure and pulse rate immediately following therapy sessions during which patients cried and vented. High blood pressure can damage the heart and blood vessels and contribute to stroke, heart failure and even dementia.

3. Tears Remove Toxins
In addition, Frey says crying actually removes toxins from the body. Tears help humans eliminate stress hormones like cortisol that build up during times of emotional turmoil and can wreak havoc on the body. Crying is both a physical and emotional release that helps humans start over with a blank slate.

4. It Reduces Manganese
The simple act of crying also reduces the body’s manganese level, a mineral which affects mood and is found in significantly greater concentrations in tears than in blood serum. Elevated manganese levels can be associated with anxiety, irritability and aggression.

5. Embrace Your Emotions and Humanity
While the eyes of all mammals are moistened and soothed by tears, only human beings shed tears in response to emotional stress. Crying helps us acknowledge the feelings we’re experiencing, and emotions motivate us to empathize, coordinate and work together to survive. In fact, crying serves an important social function. It communicates the strength and nature of relationships, elicits sympathy and even assistance, and draws individuals closer to one another.

The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed and fighting back tears, do yourself a favor and keep these points in mind. Finding a quiet place to decompress or a supportive shoulder to cry on might be exactly what you need.


TC/MSF/CMSP/ Instructor
I'm very sorry for your loss. I purposely try to forget those type of anniversaries. I see no purpose for remembering them. I'd rather remember their birthday. I have an ex who calks me to say "you today is the anniversary of Diablos death". I give two fucks about being reminded of that shit. I only want to remember the good days.

I don't try to remember them but I do.

My Dad died the day after Father's Day so that ruins Father's Day for me every year.


is insensitive
I am a man, so NO.

But last time I sat through Great Moment's with Mr. Lincoln, it must have got all dusty in there or something...


is insensitive
Men should only cry:

... when their dog dies

.. or when they drop their motorcycle.

What about when you get your brazilian wax? You know, like a manly man. I feel one tear is allowed. Especially if it takes more than one tear...


Master Of The Darkside
If you ever need to have a seriously cathartic release of a cry, my suggestion is to ingest 4 grams of psilocybin mushrooms and then watch the movie "Steven Spielberg's A.I."

I'll neeeeever do it again...