Contractor hired to clean up paradise posting disturbing images


Großer Mechaniker
Pretty insensitive and disrespectful stuff. Then I got to the picture with the cat...holy shit. I was going to say that I hope his house burns down. But after the cat, now I hope he is in the house when it happens.


Well-known member
He's not alone. A big part of the population is like this. There are probably things society can do about it, but outrage is not one of them.


Well-known member
I could have let a few of the pictures go--you know humor/levity in the face of tragedy/coping etc--but, they crossed some lines by the end.

This also is the typical mentality of who I would expect to show up as a very middle aged 'contractor' to clean up a debris field.

He will go back to the bay area, be protected by his union, and smoke up some more meth while complaining everyone else is keeping him down.
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That's pretty offensive what they posted. I keep reading about criminal charges, I wonder what charges would actually apply?
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Well-known member
Maybe if you own your own company, but it appears Bigge has higher expections of it’s employees and contractors. If you’re gonna be an asshole... don’t be a douche canoe and post it.


It doesn't make any sense. Seems there a zone or border around tragedies where inside the zone nothing is allowed but out side the zone anything goes. At what distance is it safe to joke about disaster.

Like there's never been a "too soon?" joke on the barf over a beheading or someone losing a leg, a plane crash.

Lets call the cleanup crew assholes and move on.


Well-known member
These guys have probably been living in Emerg. response trailers buncked with 30+ other men for the last couple months, working 16 on and 8 off for the last couple months, missing holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, eating shit on shingles for breakfast, gonna miss christmas and new years all for the restoration of the community. A little humour is needed. Some of you might not make it out of your cubicle that often.


Well-known member
Please. It’s called gallows humor and I know it well. I’ve used it and have been around it for decades. Difference is I’ve never needed to be the shiny nickel in the pile and post it up for the world to see. We kept it private and between us. Time and place.

mean dad

Well-known member
Joke about death to yourself and your buddies? Cool.

Joke about death to the person whose family died? Cry me river when you get a reaction you don't like.