The Street is No Place to Race--Mick Doohan video


3 bikes a week.
I think you need to have an above squid IQ to understand that AD since it is so well done. :rofl


OMG... Ponies!!!!
those are all great vids!

That first one with Doohan made me squirm a little. I can remember pretty much every crash I've had in the street, and a lot of the crashes I've had in the dirt, and the vid made me replay a bunch of them in my head. It reminded me of something that the all have in common. Watching those riders slide toward the bus, or the park bench, it was amazing to me how much time there is between when your first loose control and when the impact is. Not a lot of time on the video, but it seems like an eternity when it's you that just had the get off.

Next time you're on the street, just glace over at the parked car or tree or whatever is just head, and imagine jumping off the bike right there.

It's not just 'racing' in the street you have to worry about. Most of my street accidents happened while I was all by myself, just doing something stupid, or not paying enough attention.

Pass that vid on to anyone you know that rides. Better to think about it while you're fapping at the computer, instead of while you're sailing through the air toward a tree.

two wheel tramp

This is a brilliant video and these are the exact words my doctor shared with me the day we met. I will be sharing it on FaceBook.

Thanks for posting.


Well-known member

They should show this at the MSF course. It would save at least one life.



They should show this at the MSF course. It would save at least one life.

I doubt it but +1

Awesome VID, They should also place New Cagers in the Class Room Portion of the MSF, that should be mandatory.

Short story, I had to attend level 3 driving school, the kind where ya pay a billion dollors for insurance because your a danger on the road type of Court order :) Ok I was 19 and my right wrist was never in sync with any part of my brain.

They showed some pretty gross video and after shots of mangled motorcyclist. It had no impact on my until now, I am 54 :ride