Rock Climbing


I boulder and belay with my girl @ Ironworks in Berkeley. Touchstone has gyms all over , its a shitload of fun you should try it out. Membership is like $67/M I've only been at it for a few months , its super rewarding and you see personal improvement quickly if you dedicate.


923 Track Junkie
Ya, I've been going to Touchstone in Concord and membership yet, I just go with my buddy who has one and I just pay my 5 bucks for rentals.


Well-known member
Yep, been at it (off and on) since '03 or so? Any PG's, Pacific Edge, sometimes even City Beach. Used to hit up touchstone for bouldering too, before they closed (SJ).


n00bie d00bie d00
i do it but i don't do it at the gym. right now my cams are doing it in utah, with a couple of friends. this makes me a little sad. my cams should only be doing it with me. fwiw, i have a really nice rack.


Well-known member
I used to boulder at Ironworks in Berkeley several times a week. Canceled membership because I can't afford it anymore.

I am always down to go however, I don't mind paying the daily rates. With my schedule, it won't be more than the monthly


Well-known member
i climb religiously @ Sunnyvale Planet Granite during the weekdays and on the weekends I'm out to pinnacles or castlerock if i'm not @ the race track. If the weather is the shits...then i head out to SF Presidio Planet Granite

usually boulder 2xs a week and 2 days of rope (mixture of lead/top rope)


fingers have been fucking killing me and one of em getting kinda crooked. My climbing career is on hold until I can get this checked out... :(


Well-known member
joint pain or skin pain?

if its skin pain, that's nothin' just too sensitive

if its joint pain, give it lots of rest, ice and advil


joint pain , had lesser issues before but it blew up when i started climbing. im gonna get it checked out this week.


Well-known member
I just got a membership at City Beach in Fremont. its 25/month if you're a student and $30 activation fee if you get someone to sign up with you. Pretty addicting stuff.


Well-known member
I just got a membership at City Beach in Fremont. its 25/month if you're a student and $30 activation fee if you get someone to sign up with you. Pretty addicting stuff.

wow $25 bux a month?? hmmm if the climbing wasn't so awesome at pg i might consider those prices!!!


So I saw the ortho , she said I have a mild pulley injury and need to tape my fingers when I climb. :thumbup

half breed

Ok ..... so if you climb you know about keeping nails short . I've also gotten in the habit of clipping my toenails short as well for obvious reasons ...... well , not to self ...... NOT TO SHORT !! ..... I dont need to tell you how many nerves your toes have .......

warning ! ...... not for the squeamish ! :teeth