GOPatterson has been lost - RIP


Well-known member
I didn't have the opportunity to speak with Glenn. From the comments of everyone who did have the opportunity to meet and chat with Glenn he sounds like a very well liked and respected individual. To be taken so soon is tragedy and one that has affected us all.

I would like to express by deepest condolences to Glenn's family and to everyone else who was touched by his presence, however short or long.

:rip Glenn Patterson


Well-known member
Thanks for doing this Kurt, especially under such difficult circumstances.

Steve and I stopped by the firehouse on our way home to express our gratitude for their efforts. They spoke highly of the group, and reported that the other drivers they spoke with who were held up by the accident had said that the group rode responsibly and respectfully (their words). We spoke with two the EMT's who attended Glenn, the chief, and the chaplain. We thanked them all, and asked them to pass on our sympathies to the others impacted by this sad event.


Well-known member
Thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. I'm sure you have helped substantially in aiding Glenn's parents suffering during this difficult time.

Just devastated. This will haunt me for some time. So many thoughts, yet nothing I can do will fix this. My heart aches for Glen, especially his Mother Catrina, the EMTs, the driver of the car, those of us who watched.... helpless to help, and BARF.

Glen was 24, joined us July of this year, had four posts... all announcing his excitement to join group a ride. No drama posts, no arguing, no debating. This was a kid, a young man, who was looking for community. Looking to establish relationships with like minded motofanatics like us.

I've got to head home today. I need to see and be with my son, be with my wife. I deeply appreciate the support that all of you have shown to us who were there. I can't over emphasize that enough. I'm just struggling to process this. It hurts.

Glen, I prayed hard for you, that you'd make it yesterday. Today I pray that God protects your soul. I pray for your Mother, Father, and all those who knew and loved you, as the struggle with your passing.

Godspeed young Glen.


ADV Noob...
I haven't got much. But I missed having Glen along to see all the sights and all the smells this weekend. Thanks to everyone for the support. And thanks to everyone for supporting Glen. It's always very tough when a rider goes down.

"May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand."


Je Suis BARF
Staff member
I didn't get the pleasure of meeting Glenn and I really wish I had. Post rally and this is all sinking in. I am absolutely gutted by Glenn's passing. :rip

My sincerest condolences to Glenn's family and friends. My heart goes out to everyone who was on scene and I appreciate everything you did to to help Glenn.


Staff member
I have been very lucky in life, have not had to deal with sort of thing and am at a loss for words.

Chill sumarized it.
I didn't get the pleasure of meeting Glenn and I really wish I had. Post rally and this is all sinking in. I am absolutely gutted by Glenn's passing. :rip

My sincerest condolences to Glenn's family and friends. My heart goes out to everyone who was on scene and I appreciate everything you did to to help Glenn.


Ghost in The Machine
Staff member
I'm still quite shocked by this.

I feel for his family, the BARFers that were with him, and all the others that are feeling the sadness.


bicycles 'n motos
Steve and I stopped by the firehouse on our way home to express our gratitude...

Thanks, Kurt and Steve, for that upstanding gesture. Firefighters, emts, police all face trauma and danger too frequently. It was good of you to show our appreciation. :thumbup


bicycles 'n motos

Your efforts were outstanding through the entire event. You showed such bravery and strength in calling Katrina and keeping her updated.

And returning to the scene to honor Glenn until his ride away was remarkable.

Thank you for our updates and your efforts that day.

mean dad

Well-known member
I didn't tell the pretty thing about this until I got home yesterday, as I knew she would be devastated. Apparently she spent some time talking with Glenn in Weaverville so this is hitting her hard.
My deepest condolences to his family and friends during this time.

We are absolutely planning on attending his memorial next weekend.

two wheel tramp


Your efforts were outstanding through the entire event. You showed such bravery and strength in calling Katrina and keeping her updated.

And returning to the scene to honor Glenn until his ride away was remarkable.

Thank you for our updates and your efforts that day.

So much this, +10000.

I didn't tell the pretty thing about this until I got home yesterday, as I knew she would be devastated. Apparently she spent some time talking with Glenn in Weaverville so this is hitting her hard.
My deepest condolences to his family and friends during this time.

We are absolutely planning on attending his memorial next weekend.


Just goes to show he was new to our community but he was part of it and will not be forgotten. I wish I could go next weekend but I will be out of town. Thank you for going and being there.


Redwood Original
Staff member
My condolences to Glenn's family. It hurts that a life so full of promise has come to an end, I'll see you down the road, Glenn.


Bumblewee Wrangler
Steve and I stopped by the firehouse on our way home to express our gratitude for their efforts. They spoke highly of the group, and reported that the other drivers they spoke with who were held up by the accident had said that the group rode responsibly and respectfully (their words). We spoke with two the EMT's who attended Glenn, the chief, and the chaplain. We thanked them all, and asked them to pass on our sympathies to the others impacted by this sad event.

Thank you so much for doing this Kurt.

I'm not sure if it's appropriate, but I'd like to have a little get together during this week to remember Glenn.

He was such a great guy, and will be missed :(


Proud Pissant Squid
I was devastated when I read this news. I'm so sorry for all of Glenn's friends and family and thank you to those who rendered what aid you could.

Ride in peace. :rose

two wheel tramp

Thank you so much for doing this Kurt.

I'm not sure if it's appropriate, but I'd like to have a little get together during this week to remember Glenn.

He was such a great guy, and will be missed :(


ABSOLUTELY. I'll post something for this Thursday.

Edit: Thursday of this week (9/22) @ 7:30 at the Heart & Dagger in Oakland.

Meet posted here.
Last edited:


The Temptations of Christ
Wish I had something more profound to say, sounds like a great guy and like the BARF riders did absolutely everything possible to help. RIP. *hug* to everyone involved.