Search results

  1. cal scott

    Brake Fluid Shelf Life

    Preparing to do a brake fluid change since its been about two years since my last. At the time of my last change, I purchased two bottles of EBC dot 4 fluid but only used one. The second has been sitting, unopened since that time. What is the general consensus on shelf life for unopened brake...
  2. cal scott

    Express lane coming to a freeway near you

    Caltrans is in the process of converting ALL of the carpool lanes on my commute (101 from RWC to Sunnyvale and 237) to toll based Fastrak Express Lanes. In researching their use, I have yet to be able to find answers to the following questions: Fastrak Flex transponder requirement - it is...
  3. cal scott

    Why no motorcycle on Google maps???

    Not having motorcycles on Google maps has been a little frustrating as the app does not currently optimize for the ability to lane split or use the car pool lane. Perhaps it optimizes for twistier roads :). A quick search confirmed that Google has added this functionality for Asian countries...
  4. cal scott

    PSA - Reported slippery section on Skyline...

    I received the following report of hazardous road conditions on Skyline on a cycling d-list that I thought might be worth passing onto this community. Please take care when riding Skyline... Name deleted to protect the innocent.
  5. cal scott

    When to change a chain

    This may be a topic previously addressed ad nauseum, however, my efforts to search the site haven't come up with any answers. This may also be much like oil and tires where everyone has an opinion but there is no common consensus. Despite these shortcomings, I will cautiously ask anyway :teeth...
  6. cal scott

    There is some goodness in the world...

    This was shared with me by a coworker and I thought it deserved to be passed on. Truck driver helps out a moto rider by blocking traffic as he pushes his broken down bike across several lanes of freeway traffic to the shoulder. If we can't have a guardian angel, I'll take a guardian truck...
  7. cal scott

    Bay Area Gymkhana?

    Is there any gymkhana going on in the Bay Area whether official or not? Would love to start improving my low speed skills if there was a gymkhana forum that exists :ride
  8. cal scott

    101N Rolling Closure Yesterday - anyone know the cause?

    After deciding to stop off at REI my way home yesterday, getting back on the freeway was delayed by CHP motos shutting down the on-ramps as what looked to be a CHP escorted convoy passed by in lane 1. Traffic was a complete mess as a result. There must have been about 10 motorcycles caught...
  9. cal scott

    Bay Area Poll - motorcycle not represented

    Upon receiving an email solicitation, I just finished filling out an "Annual Bay Area Poll" administered by The Polling Place. A large portion of the poll probed perceptions and behaviors associated with traffic and commuting. I was very surprised to see that motorcycles were not acknowledged at...
  10. cal scott

    New to Barf

    New to BARF and to motorcycling. Picked up a V-Strom back in September and now commuting daily from mid-peninsula down to San Jose for work. I now look forward to my commute each day rather than dreading sitting in traffic in the car :). Enjoying getting to know the community a little if only...