S.B. 1316, Giving away Carnegie, Again - The Bill Had DIED, but will RISE again...


Staff member
Admin edit...8/16/18 update!

The bill has died.. the wicked witch is dead!!! :party

Introduced by Senator Glazer
(Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Baker)

They just don’t stop...

update 7/13/18

I just talked to Erika at Assemblymember Kalra's office and she said the bill has been re referred to the Appropriations Committee.

I think that letting your Assemblymember and State Senator know that you care and are paying attention and that you vote and you have friends that vote too is important.

You can find status here:

Back to your regularly scheduled programming:

...bill would authorize the department to dispose of the portion of the Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area known as the “Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area” to permanently preserve that land for conservation purposes...


FIND YOUR SENATOR (edit) and Representative: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
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Slow Goat

Fun Junkie
Hell, the text of the bill would have you believe there is no public use currently occurring!

Call your State legislators.


Well-known member
Hell, the text of the bill would have you believe there is no public use currently occurring!

Call your State legislators.

There is no public use currently occurring on THIS section of Carnegie. This is the expansion property. Carnegie SVRA is working on the necessary reports to open this property to motorized use.

Ride on


Staff member
From our friends at CORVA (where Brewster is a major dude):

Working on it. An organized approach is being planned. BUT I need to remind each of us that this is not the state or our park staff. OHV recreation has had several wins recently (the renewal of our program, the end of the OW (Octilla Wells SVRA) lawsuit) and the state has been firmly in our court. What I am doing this weekend is writing down everything I find objectionable in this bill, there’s nothing I could accept, so lm busy, but this will be important. Also we should let our friends know this is happening. I think we will need to raise some money for legal and lobbying but that is premature...


Staff member
It will be heard in committe on Monday 4.16.18

SB 1316 is being heard in committee on Monday. the AMA and Carnegie Forever shoud be on this list:
Alameda County Resource Conservation District
Alameda County Resource Conservation District
Alameda Creek Alliance
Altamont Landfill Open Space Committee
California Wildlife Foundation
Center for Biological Diversity
Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge
East Alameda County Ranchers
East Bay Regional Park District
Friends of Livermore
Friends of Tesla Park
Friends of the Arroyos
Friends of the Vineyards
Mt. Diablo Audubon Society
National Audubon Society – San Joaquin Chapter
Nototomne Cultural Preservation
Ohlone Audubon Society, Inc.
Regional Parks Association
Save Mount Diablo
Save the Frogs
Sierra Club California
Society of American Indians
Tesla Road Residents Alliance
The Hill Hikers of Livermore
The Nature Conservancy
Tri-Valley Trailblazers Club, Inc.
2 Individuals

Off Road Vehicle Legislative Coalition


Staff member

I have created this:

The Honorable Steve Glazer
California State Senate
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 05829

Re: SB 1316 (Glazer) Off-highway vehicular recreation: Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area: Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area (As Introduced February 16, 2018)
Position: Oppose

Dear Senator Glazer:

The subject state park has been created to serve as an ecologically friendly and managed area for off highway vehicle (OHV) recreation. As populations have grown and open space has become increasingly scarce, these OHV parks are even more important to meet the needs of the public.

The OHV community is often misrepresented as hooligans destroying the landscape. In reality we are doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, electricians, firemen and… everything.

We are families. We love the outdoors and like to enjoy it by exploring in and on our OHVs. The expansion area is a park that will largely be open space with access roads and trails to explore the area. The expansion area will provide habitat for flora and fauna.

This appears to be another attempt of many by several local landowners to do what they think is the most profitable for them. Previous attempts to close down this OHV park include a 2012 Waterways challenge, four (4) lawsuits in 2016 challenging the adoption of the Carnegie General Plan and the the OHV Reauthorization of 2017 SB 249. The leader of this campaign operates a 9000 acre cattle ranching and elk hunting operation on the adjacent land, which is devastating for the environment.

Our park creates habitat, not destroys it, and the supporters of this legislation are creating a false narrative to discount the nature preserve this park is. Please review your support of this legislation.


Bay Area Riders Forum

cc: Ms. Graciela Castillo-Krings, Deputy Legislative Secretary, Governor’s Office FAX: 916-558-3177
Mr. Felipe Lopez, Consultant, Senate Governmental Organization Committee FAX: 916-445-5258
Mr. Richard Paul, Consultant, Senate Republican Caucus FAX 916-414-3681


Staff member
Cal 4 Wheel says on ThumperTalk:

We need letters/faxes showing your support for the Carnegie SVRA Alameda/Tesla Expansion Plan and OHV recreation and your OPPOSITION to Senate Bill 1316

Senate Bill Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area: Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area Legislation- The bill has been introduced by Senator Steve Glazer (D) of the 7th district. (Antioch, Brentwood, Walnut Creek and Pleasanton). This bill would authorize the department to dispose of the portion of the Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area known as the “Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area” to permanently preserve that land for conservation purposes, as specified, if the department determines that disposing of the land is in the public interest.

The bill would authorize the Director of General Services to transfer the land to a local agency for less than fair market value if the local agency agrees to use the land as a park or for another open-space purpose and would require the property interest to revert from the local agency to the state if the land is used for a different purpose during the 25 years after the transfer date. The bill would require any revenue from the disposition of the land to be deposited in the fund for the purchase of land for off-highway vehicle recreation by the department.

Senate Bill 1316 would prevent the OHV community a long-awaited opportunity for increased motorized recreational opportunities on the Alameda-Tesla acquisition property which was purchased with 100% funding from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund in 1998 to expand the Carnegie State Vehicle Recreation Area (SVRA).

Senate Bill 1316 also ignores the fact that a majority of the opposition comes from local land owners, many of whom previously agreed to the Carnegie SVRA expansion and Alameda-Tesla property acquisition, but now look to circumvent the current public process with the passage of this bill.

Senate Bill 1316 next goes to the Assembly Natural Resource committee and these are the committee members who need to hear from you:

Honorable Dante
Capitol Office, Room 2002
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2138

Honorable Ed Chau
Capitol Office, Room 5016
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2149

Honorable Susan Eggman
Capitol Office, Room 4117
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2113

Honorable Heath Flora
Capitol Office, Room 3098
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2112

Honorable Monique Limón
Capitol Office, Room 6031
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2137

Honorable Kevin McCarty
Capitol Office, Room 2136
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2107

Honorable Melissa Melendez
Capitol Office, Room 5128
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2167

Chairman Al Muratsuchi
Capitol Office, Room 2179
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2166

Honorable Mark Stone
Capitol Office, Room 3146
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
FAX 916-319-2129

Honorable Steve Glazer
State Capitol, Room 4072
Sacramento, CA 95814
FAX 916-651-4907


General Menace
Staff member
I see this as a land grab by the rich ranchers who surround the park and want the land. Total :bs

The Stste poured mahout bux into the expansion and the politicians that are supporting this are a big part of the problem with politics today.

Pay me for my support. :mad


Well-known member
It's maddening how influential these large environmental organizations have become, and the spineless politicians who cater to their demands.

The land has been destroyed by decades of ranching, mining, it's even located next to a superfund toxic clean up site.

And now politicians have the nerve to declare it a significant environmental gem for the public to enjoy? A place of spiritual significance?

Don't they realize that SVRA management will ensure it remains an open space for the public to enjoy? That the SVRA plan guarantees responsible environmental stewardship and retains the visual integrity of the region? What good is having public lands if they are closed off for the public to enjoy?

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Staff member
It's maddening how influential these large environmental organizations have become, and the spineless politicians who cater to their demands.

The land has been destroyed by decades of ranching, mining, it's even located next to a superfund toxic clean up site.

And now politicians have the nerve to declare it a significant environmental gem for the public to enjoy? A place of spiritual significance?

Don't they realize that SVRA management will ensure it remains an open space for the public to enjoy? That the SVRA plan guarantees responsible environmental stewardship and retains the visual integrity of the region? What good is having public lands if they are closed off for the public to enjoy?


I think it is individuals... in this case, Ceeleste Garamendi, and she is able to rally a group of organizations to do her bidding. And they have a membership that is dedicated to stopping motorcycles, not riding them.

The content in your post would be great to send to your State Senator and Assemblymember. And the Governor.

Great points.


Well-known member
Thanks Butch, completely agreed, I pester state and federal politicians on a weekly basis for most OHV issues. This one hits close to home.

My club (MCMA) also has a strong politically active wing regarding public lands access.

I agree that Garamendi is leveraging her inside connections and is driving most of the opposition. The sad part is that her motivation is not aligned with the groups she's pulling in. I don't believe it's about the environment or some sort of 'spiritual significance', rather it's about protecting her revenue from the property and more importantly her own property value.

It reeks of what's happening at Laguna Seca: Why build a house next to a race track and then demand to shut it down?

The Deanster

Well-known member
Got this today:

EMERGENCY ALERT - Help Save Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area!

Help Save Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area!

We need our members to contact their representatives to oppose SB 1316, which will be heard Monday morning in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

We also need people to contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to express their opposition to SB 1316. The list of members of the committee and the letter from our lobbying coalition is attached for people to use to craft their own comments.


Member District Party Room Phone Fax

Lara, Ricardo (Chair)
33 D 5050 916 651 4033 916 651 4933

Bates, Patricia (Vice-Chair)
36 R 305 916 651 4036 916 651 4936

Beall, Jim
15 D 2082 916 651 4015 916 651 4915

Bradford, Steven
35 D 2062 916 651 4035 916 651 4935

Hill, Jerry
13 D 5035 916 651 4013 916 651 4913

Nielsen, Jim
4 R 2068 916 651 4004 916 651 4904

Wiener, Scott
11 D 5100 916 651 4011 916 651 4911

Thank you,



Staff member
A recent letter by Diana Mead of CORVA https://www.corva.org :

Dear Senator Glazer,
It has come to my attention that you were
 rudely lambasted after a Senate Natural Resources Committee hearing on SB 1316 by an opposition attendee. I am sorry that happened. There is simply no excuse for this sort of behavior, and I say this as someone who has been similarly approached.

While I personally would not use this sort of strategy, I need you to hear how very disappointed I am in your sponsorship of this bill. I have made several appointments with your office and although I am
 a constituent, have been unable to meet with you personally. Instead, I have met with staff members who may be efficient, but are not a substitute for talking directly with my Senator. My sole direct contact with you was a single telephone conversation during which you informed me of your pending recommendation to sell OUR CARNEGIE SVRA property.
You are my state senator and I am on the board of a statewide OHV advocacy group. At the time of our last conversation, I was the President of that organization. Although it should make no difference in your representation, I 
am a liberal democrat who has been educated on the environmental issues at Carnegie SVRA.

Senator, in my opinion, you have not made the effort to understand why we need a larger park, nor have you bothered to visit the model for our expansion at Hollister Hills SVRA. I have repeatedly stated why this is important to no avail. I sincerely hope the supporters of your bill have been likewise limited in their opportunity to have face time with you.

Your bias at the Senate Natural Resources Committee hearing was on full display. Photographs comparing the current SVRA with expansion property are produced to offer an opinionated version lacking scientific facts, of what is proven environmentally responsible. We’ve seen these photos before and they are simply not accurate or a fair representation. The difference between the two parcels is also about mine tailings, cattle grazing damage, significant debris from human habitation including turn of the last century plumbing, unstable ground, unprotected indigenous peoples sites, etc.
At the current park, while one does see the results of motorized recreation, mitigation efforts are proven sustainable and religiously practiced. Wildlife and plant life are nurtured, per state law. I
 can personally attest to the deer, rabbits, and birds that were out and about during the national hillclimb competition last weekend. The sites of indigenous
and archeological significance are cataloged and protected.

All of that said, the expansion area is not proposed to be another motorcycle area. AND here lies the real conundrum.
The expansion will offer recreation not offered at the current park. Nor is this recreation offered elsewhere in the bay area. Not in the acres of land East Bay Regional Parks offers us who subsidize them (many in your district). Not in any of the other State Parks in the Bay Area. Not in any park in bay area counties. Yet, in 2014, there were 600,000 registered off highway vehicles in that same area. That is green or red stickered only, not the street registered 4 wheel drives that may also go off road with their owners. Senator, by eliminating the opportunity in this far east slice of Alameda, you are committing to these people that they will need to continue to allocate time, fuel and distance before enjoying their recreation.

The suggestion that the sale of this valued acreage would make the lawsuits “go away” is short sighted and sounded like blackmail. I suspect it is
 very likely that the supporters of Carnegie SVRA may be disturbed enough to initiate a lawsuit to stop the sale. The state should also anticipate the NIMBY Associations that today oppose the expansion, will return to their efforts to close the current Carnegie SVRA if they achieve ending the expansion area. Our best opportunity to stop the lawsuits would be to gain the support of those who represent us and model the amazing diversity that is part of both our geography and our heritage
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Numbers McGee
A recent letter by Diana Mead of CORVA https://www.corva.org :

Dear Senator Glazer,
It has come to my attention that you were
 rudely lambasted after a Senate Natural Resources Committee hearing on SB 1316 by an opposition attendee. I am sorry that happened. There is simply no excuse for this sort of behavior, and I say this as someone who has been similarly approached.

While I personally would not use this sort of strategy, I need you to hear how very disappointed I am in your sponsorship of this bill. I have made several appointments with your office and although I am
 a constituent, have been unable to meet with you personally. Instead, I have met with staff members who may be efficient, but are not a substitute for talking directly with my Senator. My sole direct contact with you was a single telephone conversation during which you informed me of your pending recommendation to sell OUR CARNEGIE SVRA property.
You are my state senator and I am on the board of a statewide OHV advocacy group. At the time of our last conversation, I was the President of that organization. Although it should make no difference in your representation, I 
am a liberal democrat who has been educated on the environmental issues at Carnegie SVRA.

Senator, in my opinion, you have not made the effort to understand why we need a larger park, nor have you bothered to visit the model for our expansion at Hollister Hills SVRA. I have repeatedly stated why this is important to no avail. I sincerely hope the supporters of your bill have been likewise limited in their opportunity to have face time with you.

Your bias at the Senate Natural Resources Committee hearing was on full display. Photographs comparing the current SVRA with expansion property are produced to offer an opinionated version lacking scientific facts, of what is proven environmentally responsible. We’ve seen these photos before and they are simply not accurate or a fair representation. The difference between the two parcels is also about mine tailings, cattle grazing damage, significant debris from human habitation including turn of the last century plumbing, unstable ground, unprotected indigenous peoples sites, etc.
At the current park, while one does see the results of motorized recreation, mitigation efforts are proven sustainable and religiously practiced. Wildlife and plant life are nurtured, per state law. I
 can personally attest to the deer, rabbits, and birds that were out and about during the national hillclimb competition last weekend. The sites of indigenous
and archeological significance are cataloged and protected.

All of that said, the expansion area is not proposed to be another motorcycle area. AND here lies the real conundrum.
The expansion will offer recreation not offered at the current park. Nor is this recreation offered elsewhere in the bay area. Not in the acres of land East Bay Regional Parks offers us who subsidize them (many in your district). Not in any of the other State Parks in the Bay Area. Not in any park in bay area counties. Yet, in 2014, there were 600,000 registered off highway vehicles in that same area. That is green or red stickered only, not the street registered 4 wheel drives that may also go off road with their owners. Senator, by eliminating the opportunity in this far east slice of Alameda, you are committing to these people that they will need to continue to allocate time, fuel and distance before enjoying their recreation.

The suggestion that the sale of this valued acreage would make the lawsuits “go away” is short sighted and sounded like blackmail. I suspect it is
 very likely that the supporters of Carnegie SVRA may be disturbed enough to initiate a lawsuit to stop the sale. The state should also anticipate the NIMBY Associations that today oppose the expansion, will return to their efforts to close the current Carnegie SVRA if they achieve ending the expansion area. Our best opportunity to stop the lawsuits would be to gain the support of those who represent us and model the amazing diversity that is part of both our geography and our heritage

Very well put Butch! If our Senator is anyway similar to the rest of the elected officials in this country... the rich have their ears 24/7. While you or i would struggle to get even 30 minutes of their attention, they're likely having lunch, golf expeditions, etc with the wealthy who are lobbying their interests at the same time.

Only thing we can do is vote them out of office if they vote in favor of the wealthy few's interests, rather than the majority of their constituents.


Staff member
Very well put Butch! If our Senator is anyway similar to the rest of the elected officials in this country... the rich have their ears 24/7. While you or i would struggle to get even 30 minutes of their attention, they're likely having lunch, golf expeditions, etc with the wealthy who are lobbying their interests at the same time.

Only thing we can do is vote them out of office if they vote in favor of the wealthy few's interests, rather than the majority of their constituents.

But we have SOCIAL MEDIA!!! We have BARF, and SBR. We vote. Our kids are the future!

I hope it matters.