2021 Investment Thread


Pretty sure Direct TV will be going the way of dodo birds in next 5-10 years.

Assuming starlink comes down in price.


Well-known member
Can't deny a gut feeling, and got one that feels that T will hit mid 30's by late summer/fall.

Good luck. I suggest you look at T's historical debt levels over the last twenty years and ask yourself if there's a reason beyond stupid for them carrying the current amount.


old and slow
Good luck. I suggest you look at T's historical debt levels over the last twenty years and ask yourself if there's a reason beyond stupid for them carrying the current amount.

Cuz the fed says dem rates be nuttin! Free moneyz for you and you and you!1!!!:ride:ride


Well-known member
I held T for 2 years solely for the nice dividend and then sold last year. Decreasing earnings since ‘17; 10B in cash but 179B in debt; -3% profit margin, 53% held by institutions... 7% div is the only reason why I would buy T.


Well-known member
I held T for 2 years solely for the nice dividend and then sold last year. Decreasing earnings since ‘17; 10B in cash but 179B in debt; -3% profit margin, 53% held by institutions... 7% div is the only reason why I would buy T.

This. And historically, T held around $20 billion in debt for decades. Then suddenly, cheap money beckoned and they fell into the honey trap. There's only one problem with cheap money. You still have to pay it back. :laughing


Suh Dude


Warning: Do Not Engage
So will we ever see a black friday like crash again?

Seems like the government prints more money and lowers interest rates as needed.


Well-known member
So I bought a bit of Tesla last week, and now think it's a great stock and will believe that right up to the moment I sell at a profit.


Well-known member
Interesting graph, and the Y axis is log scale apparently, but doesn't seem to actually compute.

Here is another for a more realistic view. It's much more of a J curve. Those two boobs give you and idea of just what a correction is.



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Well-known member
Thank you

When will we see it?

We're long overdue, but the flood of cheap money has kept that in abeyance. Long overdue... Long, long, long overdue.

When? Well, unless the endless flood of money continues, it's unlikely there's gong to be a third stimulus, but likely that government spending is going to continue to increase. That's going to see increased taxes, and less private sector financial activity, and thus a decline in the market. When and how much? lol. Sooner rather than later, six months maybe. Or less. Right now the market and the private investors are simply jumping on the bandwagon, not wanting to miss out on getting rich.

What's a good investment? Probably Berkshire Hathaway. The old Fox is still foxy.

1995 to 2000 was an amazing period, huge high. Then it took fourteen long years to get past that high. We've now matched that huge jump. 2014-2020.
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Well-known member
Log scale is useful due to the exponential nature of the economy (%/year).

Only if your thesis is that there will be an exponential growth indefinitely. Log scale smooths things out too much for me. It doesn't show events in perspective.