What do ya carry on a ride..?


Through the years of riding, I learn to be prepared so I carry some items that I consider very important even on just a day ride....

Here's my list:

tire repair kit


cell phone

Honda Riders Club card - has number for towing

a rope and stick

first aid kit- somehow I misplaced it

scarf & sunglasses

towel and visor cleaner....

I always feel like Im missing something though.....

anyone else carry other things I haven't mentioned..?


200k mile club
In addition to the above I carry,





emergency space blanket
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Well-known member
Here's my list:

tire repair kit


cell phone

BMW roadside assistance card - has number for towing

first aid kit

towel and visor cleaner

Portable air pump that plugs into the accessory socket

Motrin, Naprosyn, Vioxx - what ever I can get my hands on.

Spare bulbs and fuses.

Emergency info card in my wallet.

2 Extra sets of ear plugs
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Hayabusa Immortal

1) 2 Cameras (always a backup)
2) 3 Shields - clear, lite smoke, dark smoke
3) 2-3 pairs of gloves - armored mid-weight, and lightweight, thicker ones if it's below 45 degrees- and under 35 degrees, silver glove liners
4) Small towel for cleaning off visor
5) Usually wearing about 3 layers, t-shirt, electric vest, turtle neck to adjust to the temp
6) Several maps of the region I'm headed to
7) Highlighter to highlight the roads as I go
8) Pen and notepad for taking notes, track of photos along the way
9) Earplugs - need to save my hearing
10) Cell Phone of course
11) Tire guage
12) Web bungee cord- measures like 16"x16" square
13) Energy bar for roadside snack- or even Ritz crackers & water if it's one of those 9 hour 500 mile days with no stopping
15) 3' long steel cable & keyed lock to lock bike up
16) Sometimes, my camera tripod
17) Always, Asprin- sometimes riding gives me a total headache.


1) Sidi Sympatex On-Road waterproof boots
2) Leather riding pants
3) Electric Vest
4) T-shirt & Turtle-neck
5) Armored leather jacket
6) Leather Kneckerchief or fleece face mask (half) that also covers neck)
7) Really cold out- wear Bacalava (sp?)- basically a full mask like the SWAT guys


rides minibikes;U should2
i carry the minimal when i go for a group ride.

stock Kawasaki tool kit
leatherman pocket knife (you can fix ANYTHING with one of these)
spair fuses

SPAIR KEY (hidden) hate to lose the bike keys in the middle of no where....

tire pressure guage
pen & paper

um... yea i think thats it


A smashed roll of duct tape fits in your trunk, it's got to be an almost-done roll of tape, however, to smash it right.


Well-known member
I guess it depends on the ride, no?

Some things not mentioned above:
JB weld (quick style)
zip ties
spare peg, brake, and shift levers


As in, I would rather ...
first aid kit
tire repair kit
AMA and Motow card
cell phone
shield cleaning stuff
spare ear plugs
stock tool kit (for now, need to enhance it some)
longer rides - water either bottle in the tank bag or camel back
sweater or fleece vest
longer trips - spare key
almost always have at least one camera


Well-known member
7ft 3/4 cobralink cable (i like to tie myself up to a pole or the nearest fatassed bike, besides my own, that I can find)
bike cover

most favorite:
$11 thin wool glove liners so I can wear my leather gloves in bitter cold
Garmin GPS V powered by the bike on a RAM mount.

... and a couple of tampons in case Dawn shows up. :hand
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Well-known member
For long rides in the boonies...

Springfield 1911a1 .45 auto and spare magazine.

May be extra weight, but nothing says "Leave me alone" quite like a near half inch barrel pointed straight at something.

Never loaded, of course. And only for overnighters (because while it is legal to travel armed, it is not legal to just have a gun with you in Kalifony).



Roads Scholar
Electrical tape

ratchet screwdriver with allen bit (bodywork) and phillips/flathead bits (everything else)

Spare keys

Clif bars, Payday bars, or packets of peanuts

Hydrator pack with jerky and M&M's in pockets, mix of water and Gatorade

Tire plug kit and spare cartridges for the inflator (2)

Cell phone

Spare fuses and a tester

Spare shield

2 bandannas



spare sunglasses (I have LOST so many pairs, I'm buying the $5 specials at Long's Drugs now)

Bike lock


"mad money" cash hidden somewhere on person

ID, insurance and registration (what the Man wants, He gets)

two-way text pager (work pays for it and hey, I can get weather reports on the damned thing)

Wearing: armored Bohn adventure pants, 2 pair socks, leather riding pants, long-sleeve t-shirt, button-up denim shirt, leather vest, Frank Thomas 'aqua' jacket, gloves, heavy boots, helmet

have sportbike, will explore


Well-known member
pack of smokes for those that forgot or ran out
matches for same
small steno book and pen/pencil

if it were legal:
Concealed Glock 27