What Are You Thinking Of Right Now?

two wheel tramp

I'm thinking you and your wife sound like great parents.

I am thinking I found my exact Jetta and I am flippin' stoked! It only took 4.5 months of searching.

I'm thinking my Granny once said of my mom that she needed to learn how to live alone. She is not great at it. I am. Lonely and alone don't have to be the same thing. There is a lot of love and companionship to be had in different ways.
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Dogs, guns, and horsepower... I think these are three of a man's top ten weaknesses.

I’m thinking that I clearly think like a man. :cool:teeth

I suck at being alone

Aw man , I’m with ya buddy. Being alone sucks. You can always ride up here and rake leaves with me , My 2 Covid quarantining kids , 8 turtle doves , 20 horses , 30 dogs and 30 million leaves :teeth:teeth:teeth
I promise you will relish your aloneness shortly thereafter. :teeth:teeth
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Well-known member
I think nothing beats a dog and a couple of cats as a blanket on a cold night.
I’m also thinking a flush toilet outhouse is pretty delux.

Also, Winter is soooo not my season!


get it while it's easy
when one door closes, another inevitably opens. it’s like - the one reliable rule.

moto lesson - when things go way outside of your control - put your head down, twist the throttle and lean into it like your life depended on it.

and pray for grip...


get it while it's easy
enter from stage left - one very random, but VERY cool dude. type that puts his hand on your shoulder and says ‘stand back, i’ve got this’. answered my questions before i even asked them.

bit of a hike for him, but he says he’s up for it.


Peace,Love and Harmony
I think that it is getting too cold for my NY bones. I remember existing up in Albany, NY where icicles grew inside of my windows, before putting the plastic up. don't know how I survived!


Always seem to have the worst luck with women. I'm like a magnet to unavailable women, like the rebound guy or the oh he's giving me attention guy. Where are the available ones that don't have a thing for being treated like crap???


135 active cases at work....all at the same time, just about 15% of the people here.....in the same cluster of buildings. I'm betting......... over 50% after new years. Waiting to see if california starts paying that $1500 per vaccine recipient.
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get it while it's easy
it’s always been an adventure with you. each fork in the road alternating between beautiful clear nights full of stars - and rolling thunderstorms.

i’ve always loved that soft rain that comes when the storm is passing. both of us standing there, battered, soaking wet - but always still standing. facing it together.

we’ve been bucked off wilder horses than this, and come back for more - and kicked its ass.

we’ll do it this time too.

sweet dreams babe. i’m going to make them come true.

i promise you that.


Well-known member
I’m thinking in some ways it’s very cool to be forced from inception to end, so many memories but I really wish this thread would be fixed.

Real thought today:
2020, you leave me with such a deep sadness it has profoundly affected my very core.
So much loss, sons and daughters who chose to die over living any longer, the loss of friends, and pets. Then there’s the loss of trust, the ending of beautiful beginnings and the dreams all dashed to hell.
I’m looking forward to experiencing joy in my heart again and I shall hold it close and cherish it just as the fragile thing that it is.


get it while it's easy
first fast ball pitch - pop foul over home plate. second fast ball pitch, swing and a line drive foul to left field. third fast ball pitch - swing and a line drive foul to right field.

still alive.

number four coming up. feet planted. eyes focused. bat ready. aiming for the center field bleachers.


Master Of The Darkside
I'm thinking that 2021 has nowhere to go but upwards out of the dumpster fire that was 2020.


get it while it's easy
am thinking of sweet rose. she’s the most sensitive one in the house. and is always there to remind me - what matters.