RIP Larry Flynt


Well-known member
I used to work for LFP -- Larry Flynt Publishing. They published not just the porn stuff, but also several other completely unrelated magazines. They also had a large distribution business for magazines they did not publish.

Like anything else, it was just a place to work. Outside of having monthly magazines dropped on your desk, they need accounting and the like just like any place else.

I was outside the conference room when Larry gave the press conference when the ruling was announced. I just remember all the mikes and tape recorders.

I've met him, he rolled in to my office one day. Just making the rounds I guess, that was pretty much as close as I ever got to him. Sometimes there, sometimes not. More not than anything.

They had a motorcycle magazine, actually more a biker magazine. Bikes and hooters. It was named SuperCycle.

But they also had a music magazine, RIP Magazine. This was riding the heyday of mid-80s metal and hair bands. I've met Axl Rose (though I doubt he remembers much of anything that day). I always enjoyed the photo spread in RIP of Mettalica and Slash from G&R. All of the other photos were pretty much staged, posed, guitar in the air, snarl on the face typical concert shots. Metallica were always completely relaxed. This one Slash photo had him basically flat on his back surrounded by whiskey bottles.

It wash just a fun juxtaposition of how they were being marketed to the wide audience.

They also pioneered a video game magazine.

There was an Auto magazine that did not last long and who's name eludes me. But they managed to court one of the Names from either C&D or R&T to come over and run it. Just didn't work out. They also tried a stab at a yuppy lifestyle magazine. That didn't make more than two issues, but they had planned to review the Honda PC800.


is insensitive
I suspect he was mostly fighting for his right to sell porn mags.

You say that like the most important free speech to protect isn't the horrible shit that society doesn't like.

Illinois Nazi's, Son, Illinois Nazis.

The defining characteristic of a free society is the RIGHT TO BE WRONG. To have bad opinions, think unsavory things, maintain a notion that society feels is inappropriate or uncomfortable.

If you make it illegal for people to be assholes, eventually everyone becomes the asshole through the ever creeping fascism of control.

I am uninterested in how mercenary his motives may have been, he fought for the right side and he won battles that matter in a nation structured around case law.

For 245 years, Christians have been trying to hijack the godless origins of the United States of America and Falwell vs Hustler Magazine was a square kick in the nuts to those horrid theocrats who would try and make this a Christian Nation. For that victory, I will forever be grateful, his motives or mental health be damned.
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Ghost in The Machine
Staff member
You say that like the most important free speech to protect isn't the horrible shit that society doesn't like.

Illinois Nazi's, Son, Illinois Nazis.

The defining characteristic of a free society is the RIGHT TO BE WRONG. To have bad opinions, think unsavory things, maintain a notion that society feels is inappropriate or uncomfortable.

If you make it illegal for people to be assholes, eventually becomes the asshole through the ever creeping fascism of control.

I am uninterested in how mercenary his motives may have been, he fought for the right side and he won battles that matter in a nation structured around case law.

For 245 years, Christians have been trying to hijack the godless origins of the United States of America and Falwell vs Hustler Magazine was a square kick in the nuts to those horrid theocrats who would try and make this a Christian Nation. For that victory, I will forever be grateful, his motives or mental health be damned.

+11venty billion.