Official NHL BARF Fantasy League


Well-known member
Alright lady and gentlemen,

We're standing at 8 people. Looking to fill 2-4 more. If anyone knows anyone for space, now is the time to join.


Deleted User
so without clicking the link, what's the cost, and how much time should I expect this to consume? Will be my first fantasy league type deal
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Well-known member
BARF League? $0
We just ask you attempt to play all season and not try to royally fuck the league (ie drop all your players if you're in last place)


Deleted User
BARF League? $0
We just ask you attempt to play all season and not try to royally fuck the league (ie drop all your players if you're in last place)

Yea I'm down to give it a shot, like I said it would be my first time and I don't want to ruin a good thing you guys have going. Willing to give it a shot if you guys are willing to have me :teeth


Fuck off
If you lose don't bitch and moan, throw a fit and then quit. Thats all we ask cuz we've had past people not like the way their season was going and decide to just quit not even halfway through.


Treasure Hunter
We still on for tomorrow at 7pm to draft? That works perfectly for me if so, while any other time this week/weekend would suck.
We still on for tomorrow at 7pm to draft? That works perfectly for me if so, while any other time this week/weekend would suck.

Draft is currently scheduled for October 3rd. Also, we now have an odd number of people and we wont' be able to proceed until we get back to an even number, so we need at least one more person.



Deleted User
i need to auto draft too, donno if i'll be able to make the live deal...just donno how to set up my autodraft :(
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Auto draft here too. Flying out to Philly on business on 10/3. Going to have to double check my auto-draft list on Sunday to make sure nobody near the top is injured long term during the pre-season. This is going to be fun, but only if we get one more person to sign up. If not, no dice!