man + dog die trapped in a Corvette


AFM #731
this just in- enchanter is about to call gixxergirl a c-bomb!!!

Nah. He wouldn't. I've been taking jiu jitsu classes. I could take him. :x

yeah, i make this place a misogynist cesspool. ok. that's straight BS.

Sometimes. So it's mostly BS... maybe bendy BS, as opposed to straight... ;)

funny thing is it came out backwards and i was going to say she was about to call him one...but hey. whatever. start your suspension poll.

That might have been a little chuckle worthy.
And FTR, writing out "the c-word" as you did, doesn't carry the weight of the actual word. Well, at least for me.

Jeez, now you're associating the C word with the N word?

Not like women were held down for years and called that word on a daily basis.

It's a nasty word, yes, but that's because of what OUR society has made it. Watch the BBC sometime, they use it almost as much as HBO uses the word Fuck.


You don't understand. For women, it's on par. And if you think thousands of women aren't being held down and called that on a regular basis here and now, you're really misinformed. And FTR, OUR society is where we live. It doesn't matter what they say in Great Britain... because we don't live there. You're basically saying that because you don't find it offensive, it shouldn't bother women.

So serious question here to you Connie or any other of the ladies who wants to take it.

And I'm not trying to start some battle of the genders here. But why is it that the mighty C-word is so devastating and offensive to some girls. Yet there really isn't a word out there that has the same effect on a guy. Dick/prick? Asshole? Bro? Sure those could pick a fistfight if you said it when tensions were already high, but so could "fluffy kitten" if it was already boil over time.

I don't mind answering the question. For most of the women I know, myself included, it's the single worst thing you could call us. It's demeaning, denigrating, and says you have no value as a human being. It means you're filth.
The worst part about this is that, as a woman who's been participating on this forum for a lot of years, and has done a fair amount to help a lot of people, most of whom I don't know, you wouldn't think it would be asking too much to ask the men around here to find another word that's less repellent and disgusting.
Instead, I'm being told that I don't know what I'm talking about. Hey, it's a great word- they use it in England! You just need to know the right time to use it! They use it more than fuck!
Seriously? You guys are going to argue with me, and tell me- a woman- that I'm wrong in how I- a woman- feels when that word is used about/against women? :facepalm

Guys... this isn't England. It's NOT just a word. And the fact that whenever a gender-bias debate starts roiling around here on the forum, there are far too many guys that think it's ok to tell the women who post up- over and over- expressing their feelings about it, that their feelings are wrong, that they're over-reacting, is just disheartening. That's the kind of thing that makes women leave this place. That's being dismissive. That's being a dick.

As to why there isn't a word that evokes the same response in men, I don't know why. I know there's no word about my race that someone could call me that would be particularly wounding, yet the n-word is a horrible thing to call someone of color.

So yeah... long response, but I hope that answers your question.

Lastly, guys, you don't have to understand why it's such an issue... just accept that it is, and try to show a little empathy. That's all. Easy peasy! :)
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Nah. He wouldn't. I've been taking jiu jitsu classes. I could take him. :x

Sometimes. So it's mostly BS... maybe bendy BS, as opposed to straight... ;)

That might have been a little chuckle worthy.
And FTR, writing out "the c-word" as you did, doesn't carry the weight of the actual word. Well, at least for me.

You don't understand. For women, it's on par. And if you think thousands of women aren't being held down and called that on a regular basis here and now, you're really misinformed. And FTR, OUR society is where we live. It doesn't matter what they say in Great Britain... because we don't live there. You're basically saying that because you don't find it offensive, it shouldn't bother women.

I don't mind answering the question. For most of the women I know, myself included, it's the single worst thing you could call us. It's demeaning, denigrating, and says you have no value as a human being. It means you're filth.
The worst part about this is that, as a woman who's been participating on this forum for a lot of years, and has done a fair amount to help a lot of people, most of whom I don't know, you wouldn't think it would be asking too much to ask the men around here to find another word that's less repellent and disgusting.
Instead, I'm being told that I don't know what I'm talking about. Hey, it's a great word- they use it in England! You just need to know the right time to use it! They use it more than fuck!
Seriously? You guys are going to argue with me, and tell me- a woman- that I'm wrong in how I- a woman- feels when that word is used about/against women? :facepalm

Guys... this isn't England. It's NOT just a word. And the fact that whenever a gender-bias debate starts roiling around here on the forum, there are far too many guys that think it's ok to tell the women who post up- over and over- expressing their feelings about it, that their feelings are wrong, that they're over-reacting, is just disheartening. That's the kind of thing that makes women leave this place. That's being dismissive. That's being a dick.

As to why there isn't a word that evokes the same response in men, I don't know why. I know there's no word about my race that someone could call me that would be particularly wounding, yet the n-word is a horrible thing to call someone of color.

So yeah... long response, but I hope that answers your question.

Lastly, guys, you don't have to understand why it's such an issue... just accept that it is, and try to show a little empathy. That's all. Easy peasy! :)

i don't doubt that for a second, and i bet on fights quite a bit :laughing


Super Moderator
Staff member
I guess sticks and stones is dead and burried. RIP 2015.

Hate the word, but if it doesn't apply, brush it off? I get called short all the time. Seems it's true'ish and hasn't affected anything I've wanted to get or wanted to do. I like people underestimating me. It's totally empowering. The real comedy is in manufactured politeness and equality.

If someone calls you a Cunt, punch them in the throat right as they're stressing that "T" at the end. Then explain "the C is pronounced like an S"...