Lane splitting discussion on


Enthusiast, Fukrwe Club
you know, they pass laws in Sacramento.... This kind of misguided propaganda can do us real harm...could lead to more aggravated cagers and worst case, outlawing lane sharing. It might make a lot of sense for a DataDan, or some other articulate and knowledgeable person (not to pick on DataDan whose writings I really respect and enjoy), to show the sacbee how they can present the situation in a way that is both "attractive to general public" (will solicit readership) and factual (lead to sensible decisions amongst our lawmaking colleagues)! Something with a "surprise at the outset" but definitely not an indignant retort. food for thought from a relative newbie.


Well-known member

Give me the $2.4million thanks.

Quick fact: Motorcycles are more dangerous then cars and probably always will be. The only thing that can make motorcycles more safe short of iron man armor is the skill of a rider coupled with smarter/safer drivers.


Or using that money to fix the pot-holes on our shitty roads...:mad
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Well-known member
you know, they pass laws in Sacramento.... This kind of misguided propaganda can do us real harm...could lead to more aggravated cagers and worst case, outlawing lane sharing.

Oh, it's coming, you'll see, it's coming... :thumbup

Defenders of national socialists in 4, 3, 2, 1... :twofinger


Tasty Pants
I love the graphs on the first page. US and CA motorcycle fatalities increase from 1998. They are identical. Since CA is the only state that allows this 'lunacy', and the increase is the same in fatalities in the US and in CA, it means that Lane sharing has no real effect on the number of fatalities.


Everyone should send the author this paper I found in the Lane sharing in Oregon thread which demonstrates how to discuss the pros and cons rationally. Maybe the writer can learn something.
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Bay Arean

Well-known member
I guess we all have to put up a spirited defense, lest the knuckleheads win. My dream is that so many people get 'cycles, that we get our own lanes, period. Guess that won't happen. But we can't let the car people win the public discussion, or we're all forced into cars. One guerilla strategy is to call for a law that people driving those dinky smart cars be forced to wear motorcycle gear. I mean, why are they any safer really, than bikes? Nobody can see 'em and they are little tin cans.

Spent the day in the emergency room yesterday after being hit by a car while lane sharing on morning commute. My conclusion about the accident is that I didn't have a chance. The lady saw me next to her and for some mysterious reason made a sharp right (EDITING IN from original post, a Sharp LEFT) with her steering wheel and took me out. It was bad driving, period, and of course, I have re-lived it over and over. I never had a chance to do any kind of diversion or even use my brakes. The worst part is that I realize that my future option is either to not lane share, or cross a double yellow (and break the law) to make enough of a safety zone for driver weirdness. I wish I had crossed the yellow. Wouldcouldashoulda. No broken bones, but concussion (I saw double all day yesterday, weird) and a few stitches and tons of swelling on the leg I landed on. All safety gear worked incredibly well, except for my squid jeans, of which I did know better. Mesh armored pants when I get my settlement... Count me as a number one fan of Arai full face helmets (Quantum), Dainese summer mesh jacket (just a bit of abrasion through some mesh parts) with bigtime back brace. Though I have a swell-bow, that's just from a smack from the side, the elbow armor worked. I had Frank Thomas mesh gloves, with knuckes, and except for a bit of scraping through mesh, my geetar-playing hands are just fine.
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I want nothing
Staff member
you know, they pass laws in Sacramento.... This kind of misguided propaganda can do us real harm...

The people who write and pass laws aren't in town at the moment. The general population of Sacramento and the small subset who are Sacramento Bee readers* don't get to write legislation or vote on bills.

An even handed response is helpful and I'll be writing my letter this evening.

*I'm one of them.


Hmm reminds me of some of the other articles I read about pedal powered two wheels. About the same level of logic.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
and in my continuing comments about comments...

See, what we have here is yet another uneducated imbusul trying to cut down his fellow rider. What you fail to understand is that the greatest INCREASE in motorcyle accidents has come from your age group and style of rider. Those that at 45+ years old decide to hop on an 800 lb Harley without a clue as how to ride it. I'll gladly accept ANY challenge to ride ANY bike, ANY where and promptly

Read more:

when calling someone an "imbusul" it's important to spell imbecile correctly... :rofl


Throttle Pusher
when calling someone an "imbusul" it's important to spell [.. ] correctly... :rofl

True, this is hilariously funny

Spent the day in the emergency room yesterday after being hit by a car while lane sharing on morning commute. .. The lady saw me next to her and for some mysterious reason made a sharp right with her steering wheel and took me out. .. my future option is either to not lane share, or cross a double yellow (and break the law) to make enough of a safety zone for driver weirdness. I wish I had crossed the yellow.

Ouch, it is bad that you were in this collision. Just curious, why did you have to cross the double yellow? You said the lady made "a right" with her wheel... yellow lines are only on the left side. Keep in mind, sometimes if drivers start signaling with the flasher, that means they might be intent on taking you out.


All to often when I am lane splitting, I see all to often the people talking texting, reading the book, putting on the make-up, etc and they are not paying attention to the road in front of them.

everytime i lane share it amazes me how many people are doing other things besides driving... if i was a motocop i'd lane share every morning and make the county/city/state bank on the number of fines i'd be handing out...


wish I was the bike
I love the graphs on the first page. US and CA motorcycle fatalities increase from 1998. They are identical. Since CA is the only state that allows this 'lunacy', and the increase is the same in fatalities in the US and in CA, it means that Lane sharing has no real effect on the number of fatalities.

This is pedantic of me, but, no, it doesn't say anything about lane sharing at all. Some factor nationwide could be causing increased fatalities there but not apply here (cold weather, no helmet?), whereas lane sharing could be killing everyone here but not nationwide, making the lines rise at the same rate.

But the central point that the logic of the article makes no damn sense still applies.


Mama says he's bona fide
Spent the day in the emergency room yesterday after being hit by a car while lane sharing on morning commute. My conclusion about the accident is that I didn't have a chance. The lady saw me next to her and for some mysterious reason made a sharp right with her steering wheel and took me out. It was bad driving, period, and of course, I have re-lived it over and over. I never had a chance to do any kind of diversion or even use my brakes. The worst part is that I realize that my future option is either to not lane share, or cross a double yellow (and break the law) to make enough of a safety zone for driver weirdness. I wish I had crossed the yellow. Wouldcouldashoulda.
It's not at all clear what the situation was that led to your crash, but if the driver had the option to swerve right and you put yourself alongside her, it was entirely preventable by you alone.


Well-known member
  • If you own a BMW it has auto-pilot these days

Are you speaking of the lane departure warning system on many Infiniti and some new domestic vehicles?

Or laser cruise control that lifts the throttle and may do a tiny bit of braking on ... well, most luxury cars?

... or the auto-braking systems on Mercedes and (iirc) Volvos?


Hyper hoñorary
LOL based on some of the commentary from riders on that "discussion" page, it seems that WE the degenerate bikers, will be the ones that undo ourselves.

As said before, we're our own worst enemy.