
Veteran Knee Dragger
Hello BARFers. I've been silent from the forum for a while now, but not out of the riding world.

Please read on, there is a lot I have to say to help BARF and the riding community. Today marks the best day I have felt in 6 months, so I'm posting.

Jen and I moved to Sacramento last year for her job. We rented our Santa Rosa house to fire victims. Jen had to take an unexpected early retirement do to sleep issues. She retired Starting January 2019. I quit my job in October 2018 to handle our investments that I had put on hold for way over a year. And still am taking time off.

The job I chose when we got to Sacramento was to install stair case railings; I thought this would be great, out of the blasting hot Sacramento heat, light weight materials, and high-end finish carpentry. What I did not expect was that standing on stairs sideways would throw my hips out. Stairs are basically at a 35 degree angle. As you build rails your hips are angled and back strait. I'm just today feeling better after yesterday FINALLY getting epidural injections to my hip/tail bone area . God bless better living through pharmacology.

Onto the motorcycle stuff.

GEAR: I finally had to buy yet another suit for the 100+ heat. I found and bought a first generation Dainese Trickster. All white, kangaroo, FULLY perforated. The coolest suit ever made. Cool as in air flow and not “bad ass”, though both might be true. I have some other ideas I'll try out and post on BARF to make it even cooler. Then the winters. Sacramento is both hotter and colder then the bay area. My riding zone has been the foot hills. So I added yet a 4th suit, all black Dainese Sukhoi with no perforation. It warms on sunny days do to infrared sun light. Also I was told by a local rider to add a down hill ski suit as an under garment. It works great! Basically a 1mm wet suit, the problem is you need to get into it, all suited up and out of the house BEFORE you start sweating because it does not breath. I've discovered I can ride in 35 degree weather and not get cold. I'll go into the gear details in another post. But it is possible to wear sport bike gear in the cold and remain totally warm, for up to 3 hours. And when I get back to Santa Rosa, both suits will go up for sale. I like my Dainese Bora (summer) and Alpinestar SMX2 (winter). The SMX suits fall into the battle armor class of suits. Yet another upcoming post.

INTERNET STUFF: I've discovered the newest and fastest growing part of the motorcycle internet. INSTAGRAM. Our European riders have made sport bike riding super cool again, were as in the USA it is dwindling/fading do to the bubble wrap generation. INSTAGRAM is all about cool “bad ass” pics. But what they don't know, is the knowledge and history from BARF. BARF actually exchanges and passed on very powerful knowledge that helps riders be safer, faster, and creates teachers. BARF has done something that no other motorcycle website has ever done. I'd say BARF has saved many many riders lives and lessened many many riders injuries from catastrophic to just bad or just bruises.

I think BARF needs to make some changes to align with or compete with INSTAGRAM.

How INSTAGRAM works for the motorcycle world. Riders/users seem to go out and take a bunch of pics on a ride or a photo-shoot excursion, then slowly release them on INSTAGRAM. Often they have several photo-shoots and they mix up the releases. INSTAGRAM lets you post immediately or time your release of your posts. The more followers you get the wider your pics are distributed. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Develop a following with cool “bad ass” pics, the start adding bits of wisdom, or rider tips. It would be like taking this post of mine you are reading and spreading it over 10 INSTAGRAM posts. Also, for us OG (old guys) we have many photos that are dated but usable, but not as cool looking as the new pics being posted by the young 20 something year olds. But us OG's have money and can afford to hire photographers. Also I am very aware INSTAGRAM can be a “look at me” vanity photo website, but my Tantric training remains me to use any and every thing to further oneself to enlightenment (AKA wisdom).

I think the BARF community could develop this idea into something amazing. Some sort of BARF INSTAGRAM combo or even merging with them.

There is also a new web site starting out called TONIT ( its an app. The name refers to the old saying of' “go for the ton”, “go for it”...the “TON” refers to 100MPH and it translates to “go for the 100MPH range”. This is many decades old, now all bikes do 150MPH or more. I think the web site is very poorly laid out but what it does is interesting. It is designed for riders to post the city they live in, their bike/s, and what styles of riding they like to do, and connect like minded riders. 10 years ago this was not needed because so many people rode, but today the numbers dwindle and it's difficult to find fellow riders. Over the last 6 years I would ride up to Skaggs and sit at the bridge for an hour on a weekend day around noon, and not a single sport bike would show up, not one. Before 2009 if I did that I would arrive to 30 bikers hanging out. This to is something that needs to be incorporated into BARF in some way, how to hook up with riding groups

So enough for now. Ill be writing a lot over the next few weeks!



Veteran Knee Dragger
Some uber cool INSTAGRAM riders. They are all in the sport bike world which is my world, but at the end is a super cool adventurer rider that I will be promoting in weeks to come. Also my humble and not so cool INSTAGRAM profile.

Add --- @ before a name to see them on google.











haydenmo24 (he had a big following pre-INSTAGRAM, and I liked his pics from early on)









Super cool adventure rider looking for sponsorship to help bring awareness to human trafficking.


And me (canyonrat)



Mama says he's bona fide
Fuck corporate social media. You're just a tool to be manipulated, a viewing unit to be relentlessly tailed and scrutinized, sold to real customers, and inventoried to prop up insane stock market valuations.

Support INDEPENDENT forums, blogs, websites, and web publications. They are your friends. Visit them often, post, donate, click on their ads, buy from their advertisers.

<putting money where mouth is, sends sawbuck to Budman>


Well-known member
If I wanted motorcycle pics I'd just go to INSTAGRAM or PINTEREST.

I come to BARF for something completely different: DISCUSSION, which INSTAGRAM and other SOCIAL MEDIA sites seem to do poorly. You don't need to fix what isn't broken...


I see 4 lights!
Interesting idea, however, BARF is centric to the Bay Area and farther outlying areas in part by those who have moved away and continue to participate, such as the OP (just IMO) and a lot of the values you see on display are also predominantly shared by BA people. If you look at some other forums you'll find they quickly become saturated and more or less controlled by those other influences, not saying they are bad just saying they are very different and aren't necessarily aligned with what goes on here, this state or even the country when it comes to motorcycling.

I'll say this from my limited experience here: BARF "IS" a community with the good the bad and the ugly but there is still cohesion. Instagram is not a community of anything, it is OWNED by people who's testicles would suck up into their necks if they got close enough to a motorcycle to smell the exhaust and then they'd launch a campaign to ban them outright.

I saw below/above something about human trafficking, for crying out loud really? Are motorcyclists doing that and does that have to be dragged into every thing on the planet?

Instagram is about monetizing you, me and everyone else for which you get what, a venue to say something and post a picture?

Oh, and few if any of the posts in this thread or forum would every make it onto an Instagram or other corporate controlled stewpot of groupthink without being labeled as (fill in the blank).
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Staff member
Zuckface and Instazuck are not really comparable to BARF; they are different animals.

A friend’s musings:
I'm sitting comfortably in the middle of a rather large group of people who all seem to be facing away from me. As I flick the ash from cigarette and take another swig of Red Bull, all I can see around me are the backs of heads and asses (in various degrees of decay). I can hear voices intermingling incoherently, talking over one another; some loud, some louder, all rambling. I snub out my cigarette and light another; waiting for one of the people to turn inward toward my awaiting attention. There are empty chairs next to me within the circle but they remain unoccupied. A waitress appears and asks me politely if I would like another drink while I wait.

"No thanks, I'm fine."

She looks concerned, pauses for a moment and then asks again, this time offering a more general service.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

I survey the surrounding crowd once more, checking to see if anyone has noticed me yet.

"Some company would be nice."


Well-known member
I formerly helped run Some of you may know me (and probably loathe me) as Fargin Bastige.

When I joined SBN, it had 20K users.
When I left, it had 100K+

How we got there was to embrace manufacturers, advertising and the press. Also, we focused on content. For instance, we brought on Sportbike Trackgear, when it was Brian Van and 5 people working there.

One other thing we did, and I believe this is more of an answer than social media, is we focused on gatherings and advertising. We did bike nights in Seattle, L.A., Chicago and other regions.

Seeing as this is more localized, I think events and advertising would be best, personally. I’m not talking about group rides. Things like dealership sponsored giveaways, working with track schools to create women’s only track classes.

If you look at growing groups within the motorcycle community, women are one of, if not, the fastest growing group.

Competing with social media is impossible. You need to find the niche group and foster a strong foothold in it.

One other thing, word of mouth and recruitment is key.

I may be saying stuff you already know, but just sharing my experience


Well-known member
Honestly I just think of Instagram as a place for ego-rubbing photo sharing. If you want community, you come to BARF for discussion, debate, help, and critique. Instagram is now 8 yrs old, I don't know how it interrupts the BARF market.


Staff member
Maybe stop smoking and drinking redbull.

Vaping now. Self medicate, man. CBD's!!!

Back on topic, the format of the Zuckerbookgram enterprises work well if you are on it ALL THE TIME.
If you only look at it occasionally, anything you need to see has dropped off the page. It's perfect if you are at work and don't actually have to do your job.

When I was stuck in the office I looked at BARF ever couple hours. Things change.


Veteran Knee Dragger
Great comments gang. There is something to this INSTAGRAM thing. I am not recommending BARF become INSTAGRAM, but their format is really kinda cool and it definitely has the 20 somethings attention and interest. It is my prediction that if the true aspect of INSTAGRAM could be identified and that energy harnessed, it could not only help out motorcycle sites like BARF but also rekindle interest for more people to look into riding a motorcycle.

What I don't see on INSTAGRAM is any real helpful riding content...actually zero content.

All of us old riders know the commitment required to ride and joy it brings even though we have blood on or leathers.

What I don't see on INSTAGRAM is much content on crashes/crashing. The users seem to skip past that part of motorcycling. And I don't like to see pics and film of guys crashing, but I do like to see the discussion and learning that takes place after, and that is something that INSTAGRAM is missing.

I'll be continuing to post to INSTAGRAM but am gonna sneak in the things I speak of and see what the reaction is.


Veteran Knee Dragger
Also the INSTAGRAM I am involved with are riders, not people who show endless selfies of their face in different locations. That stuff is just plane weird.


General Menace
Staff member
My philosophy running this place is to treat it like I am entertaining members in my living room. Barf is not about making a buck. If it was I would have sold out long ago.

It is about fostering community, creating an environment to share important information with our members and perusers. Sharing the love of racing, journeys, two wheel life experiences and generally the life experiences of those who ride.

I know I could do more to make it functionally better in ways. I know it could be bigger and flashier if I added more advertisement. However I am happy with how barf is. I am proud of our involvement in moto safety. Our commitment to our members and the two wheel life in general. I am super proud how our members have stepped up to join me in that effort. Fucking awesome.

Cheesy?? Kind of. But that is part of my take on what a community is. This is not my making a living. It is my passion and I am blessed because I can do what is right for my passion. The Bay Area is one of the most awesome places to be a moto nut in the USA. I am one lucky bastard to help those that live here live that and I appreciate all that join me in doing that.