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  1. CaptCrash

    Geometry Works! Lane placement

    Think about where you put yourself in the lane...
  2. CaptCrash


    ​This whole ugly business in New York with a gang of riders chasing down an SUV and the ensuing violence done on both sides doesn't really surprise me. To my memory this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, I seem to remember incidents like this occurring before. I also spend a...
  3. CaptCrash

    Chip Seal

    Ever have one of those days?
  4. CaptCrash

    Riding 2Up

    Taking a passenger? 5a5e8cbgNBY
  5. CaptCrash


    Or just running sh*t over...
  6. CaptCrash

    Cruisers: Grinding the Pegs?

    If you've got rear sets you can probably ignore this one...
  7. CaptCrash

    Trail Braking Basics

    What it is:
  8. CaptCrash

    Rules Without A Ruler

    Last Saturday I got a real treat. I'm a fire commissioner and I was invited to a "Fire Ops" course put on yearly by the Professional Fire Fighters of Idaho. Simply put it was a chance to put on the turnouts and walk into fire. This gives politicians (like myself) and community leaders (such...
  9. CaptCrash

    The Dinner Glass Effect v. Ride Your Own Ride

    *Credit where credit is due--Enchanter brought the subject up first. I'm just coat tailing. How many times have you heard people say, "I ride my own ride, but..." followed by a story of a fabulous fail? Or have you’ve heard someone simply solve the mystery of "What happened?" with "You didn't...
  10. CaptCrash

    What to carry ON you...

    When you fall, especially in the canyons, you might become seperated from your bike. Here's a few things you might want to have on your person:
  11. CaptCrash

    The Motorcycling Declaration of Independence

    The Motorcycling Declaration of Independence When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the mechanical & spiritual bands which have connected them to the earth by four or more wheels, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal...
  12. CaptCrash

    New Riders and the Freeway

    Should rookies avoid the freeway? Yes. Why? Because in many ways it’s too damn easy. How so? Simple: think about how you drive your car on the freeway or highway. You’re looking straight ahead, in a bit of a trance, Rush Limbaugh may be screaming at you or it could be Trent Reznor doing...
  13. CaptCrash

    Road Work: U-turns on an Incline

    Doing a u-turn on an incline should be avoided...but if you must...
  14. CaptCrash

    Quick Tip: Head & Eyes UP!

    Sometimes it's awfully easy to get hung up and stare a the ground ahead of you or the license plate up front. Keep your head and eyes up--LIVE 12 to 20 seconds in the future.
  15. CaptCrash

    Are you jaded?

    I'm putting it in 1Rider because I think this idea applies to riders physical and mental health. Trust me. This will go somewhere. Back in the day I was a TV newshooter and I worked the afternoon/pm shift. Sure, it was in Boise, Idaho but news happens everywhere so it was alternately...
  16. CaptCrash

    Strategy or Tactic? Know the difference.

    Often in the quest for "Safety" Riders will fixate on one thing and say, "Do this and you'll be OK". For example I know that Instructors and RCs such as myself will get hung up on "getting trained" as an important issue. The problem comes when that one action (tactic) is confused as a...
  17. CaptCrash

    5 lanes and left turners...

    Little help with lane position and 5 lane roads. Remember: If you can't see them, they can't see you...
  18. CaptCrash

    Quick Tip: Truck Fun!

    Hanging around large vehicles at highway speed is a bad idea. My 2 bits: (Don't you wish traffic in the Bay looked like this at 11am on a Thursday?)
  19. CaptCrash

    Lane Position 101

    Where should you be in the lane? In between the lines. After that? You may need to think a little.
  20. CaptCrash

    In Praise of 35 horses

    In Praise of 35 Horses Yup. This is about the joy and excitement of 35 ponies. If you're asking yourself, "Really? Does he intend to try and convince me that 35hp is a good thing?" you'd be wrong. I figure that my audience for this is broken into 3 groups. 1. Folks who automatically say...