Recent content by flying_hun

  1. flying_hun

    Low and Slow in the French and Italian Alps

    In this strange time, I have been watching a lot of motorcycle videos. I just found a YouTube channel out of Nice, France that beautifully captures the wonder of riding that part of the world. It's made even more fun because the first three EuroBARF rallies included some of these same roads...
  2. flying_hun

    UK 2019 Tour

    The road just got better and better. Once past the first ski area there was even a place where traveling the speed limit it was possible to get both wheels off the ground! My kind of road. :teeth Oh yeah, and the scenery kept getting better, including the blooming heather. :teeth
  3. flying_hun

    UK 2019 Tour

    I'm going to start building this here, and return to it as I have time. I keep a bike in the UK, and return each year to take it out for a ride. This year, the timing was determined by the date of the wedding of my friends Dominic and Caroline in late September. This is later in the year...
  4. flying_hun

    BARF Hive Mind - Looking for a specialized valve wrench

    Hi all, looking for someone smarter than me who may have some idea where to find the tool we need. Here's the use case: We have a valve that is buried about 2 feet deep in a box. The valve has an 1-1/4" stem, and that's what we need to turn. The box is too small across to get a wrench down...
  5. flying_hun

    RIP Peter Fonda

    Watching Easy Rider Tonight - RIP Peter Fonda Another legend of my youth passes.
  6. flying_hun

    PSA - Marin Century, 8/3/19

    Just a heads up for any of you who plan to ride Marin on Saturday, it's the Marin Century, meaning that there will be lots of bicyclists, and more than the usual numbers of LEO's on some of your favorite Marin roads (e.g., Marshall-Petaluma, Hicks Valley, Chileno Valley, Hwy 1, etc.). You might...
  7. flying_hun

    2019 Northwest 200

    If you don't know, the NW200 is the last big tune up for real roads racers prior to the TT. Here are some vids of this year's action. There's some pretty epic stuff! Gives you an idea who is likely to be quick on the island. EKgiCv9dRQ4 E9ABB9lS5BI QZsiNE3O10M
  8. flying_hun

    Recovering Files From Crashed External Drive

    Any recommendations on how I can recover files from an external drive I was using for backup (yeah, that didn't exactly work out). Initially I got an error that there was a USB device that wasn't recognized. Now, no matter what PC I connect it to, it isn't recognized as being present...
  9. flying_hun

    Ride to Hoho's Funeral Mass - 5/25 11:15 AM

    I'm riding to Hoho's funeral mass next Saturday. If you want to come along, you're more than welcome to join me. If you are planning to come, make sure you RSVP to either this post, or the event on FB. The family needs to know how many people to expect. *(this has been updated to the new...
  10. flying_hun

    Float for Hoho, May 11th at 6-ish

    I'm going to be at Pedro Point Brewing in Pacifica this evening to have a beer float in honor of our friend, Hoho. It's a casual thing. Come out and share floats and memories. It's not good to grieve alone.
  11. flying_hun

    The Unexpected Joy of Being a CMSP Instructor

    Last year, BARF's own Caddywumpus asked me if I might be interested in becoming a CMSP instructor. In past times I have always discounted the idea of being an instructor because I have been so jealous of my riding time. In other words, if I'm teaching, I'm not riding. No thanks. For several...
  12. flying_hun

    Chain Lube Comparision Video

    Interesting topic, almost as likely to trigger a flame war as discussing oil, oil filters, tires, waving, etc. It's an interesting methodology yielding interesting results. Check it out. VnPYdcbcAe0
  13. flying_hun

    Rutter on the Panigale at IOM

    I just ran across this video of Michael Rutter on a street legal Panigale at the IOM. Take a look at his speedo at the bottom of Bray Hill! It's hard to get your head around. :wow OYaSG_IoAXk
  14. flying_hun

    Cycle World Archives

    AKA: Rantings of a Geezer, AKA: Hey You Kids, Get Off My Lawn!!!111 :afm199 The last few weeks I've been thinking about the early copies of CW I read when I first started riding motos, and one article in particular on touring Europe. I was wondering if I could find an online article index, and...
  15. flying_hun

    Flat Trackers & Pie! Sunday, March 10th, 9 AM

    PIE!!!! FLAT TRACK BIKES!!!! TOGETHER!!!!! WHAT: You may have heard of the Talbott Motorcycle Museum in Carmel Valley. If you haven't, you should. Talbott is having a Flat Track day on March 10th from 11 AM to 5 PM. You may also have heard of Gizdich Ranch, the most popular pie ride...