SF moto thief arrested 13 times

Our Illustrious D/A has stated he will not prosecute "quality of life" crimes, somehow I get the feeling motorcycle theft falls into that category. Thieves are just running rampant right now https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/It-feels-like-we-re-under-attack-Car-15767494.php

SF is basically the permissive, enabling parent in government form. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the root problems that result in the street theater we have in this city, but I still think anti-social behavior should meet with a proper punishment.


General Menace
Staff member
Jeez... :rolleyes

The PD must be so frustrated with this. Telling every surfer "tough luck".


General Menace
Staff member
Not sure if the Ms. was intentional or not, but kudos.

Thanks Mike.

I read Chelsie for some reason.

I sent an apology for the mistake.

I am trying to remain respectful in any communications with the Government.

Frame Maker

Well-known member
...A common term used is "that's when I caught my charge", like being charged with a crime is similar to getting the flu or something....somewhat inevitable but no big deal.
And then there is just general apathy. These guys deep down just don't give a fuck...

Reminds me of an AMA on Reddit where a "retired" motorcycle thief talks very openly about his experiences when he was steeling bikes. I remember him saying that he was always much more afraid of being caught by the owner than by the police.
Jeez... :rolleyes

The PD must be so frustrated with this. Telling every surfer "tough luck".

It's funny in a way I'm on a FB group for the Hayes Valley neighborhood who I'm pretty sure voted for our current leadership and get offended over people complaining about homeless encampments. One the same group they're always posting about the rash of crime in the neighborhood, garage break-ins, people forcing open doors and robbing mail rooms, etc and wonder why the cops won't do anything. We don't even have a fully staffed force anyway and this year has been pretty demotivating on a number of levels.
Fuck, I'd push.


I voted for him ... :toothless

we all know the tweet has more to do with other recent headlines in SF, and the fraught relationship between the SF Police Officers' Association and the DA's office, right?

anyway, pretty sure no one cares about my property in Lower Haight but me, and they really don't care about my motorcycles ...

San Francisco ... not for the faint-of-heart. :angel


Shit Magnet
Fuck, I'd push.

And I'd be driving the bus.

Our Walgreens over here in the E on Mission is shutting down because every single day it has a steady stream of tweakers and street-urchins just straight up taking whatever they want and walking out with no fear of prosecution or arrest.

The shitbags who busted the window out of our Merc that was parked in front of the house? Cops said don't even bother because we're not going to.

But if I caught the window-breakers in the act and tuned them up with a pipe? You can bet Chesa would be hot to come after me and see me prosecuted for assault.

I can only wish that he and his family find themselves mortal victims of the same lawlessness he refuses to lift a finger against.

At a minimum he deserves to be in the ICU at SF General shitting his own teeth into a bedpan for what he's allowed to happen to SF.
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was sitting at my coffee shop, having coffee on the sidewalk at Octavia and Page this Saturday morning, when suddenly a citizen came running down the hill and clotheslined some methie low-jeans carnie to the sidewalk, pretty violently.

"Don't boost cars in this neighborhood!" was the message to the cowering dirt-bag, lying on the sidewalk ... the citizen strolled off and the carnie scraped himself up and hightailed it out of the neighborhood.

was ready to assist the citizen, myself, but turned out he didn't need any help from me. anyway, that's how we deal with property crimes in Lower Haight, apparently.

If DA Boudin does not wind up under a bus, or with his teeth in a bedpan, and decides to run again, I'll be voting for him again. :p

Haven't noticed our city's gone any farther off the rails since he was sworn in on 01/08/2020 ... :laughing:angel
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And now, SFMCjohn, I understand even more why you like camping on remote mountain tops. :cool

edit to add... and you know I'd love to be there with ya! :thumbup
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And now, SFMCjohn, I understand even more why you like camping on remote mountain tops. :cool

edit to add... and you know I'd love to be there with ya! :thumbup


certainly easier to keep a close eye on my property, sitting around a campfire with my BARF friends! :gsxrgrl

see you soon, brother ... :ride
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AFM #731
I sent the e-mail from work... it'll be interesting to see if there's any sort of reply, from anyone, when I get in tomorrow.
Fucking politicians... should all die slow burn deaths in small fires... :nchantr


Untitled work in progress
If DA Boudin does not wind up under a bus, or with his teeth in a bedpan, and decides to run again, I'll be voting for him again. :p

Haven't noticed our city's gone any farther off the rails since he was sworn in on 01/08/2020 ... :laughing:angel

Did he run against anyone the last time? Was it just a bunch of equally bad choices? Curious. I don't live there but used to work in SF for about 4.5 years right next to Civic Center BART. It deteriorated that whole time and from what I can tell it has only gotten worse since I stopped working there about 4 years ago. I only make it into SF maybe once every 2-3 months now but that is plenty.


FN # 40
Staff member
SF residents voted for Boudin.

Cali residents voted for the laws that ensure thieves can no longer go to prison. This must be the paradise that was voted for, right?

But I was one who warned anyone who would listen.
Did he run against anyone the last time? Was it just a bunch of equally bad choices? Curious. I don't live there but used to work in SF for about 4.5 years right next to Civic Center BART. It deteriorated that whole time and from what I can tell it has only gotten worse since I stopped working there about 4 years ago. I only make it into SF maybe once every 2-3 months now but that is plenty.


sounds like DA Gascón was your guy, 2011-2019. He starts his new job as the DA of LA County on Monday, 12/07/2020.

Interim DA Loftus replaced Mr Gascón on 10/04/2019, and Mr Boudin defeated her just about a year ago, in a close election that the SF Police Officers’ Association spent $650,000 on—campaigning to try to defeat Mr Boudin ... :toothless

I’m always a little baffled to hear people think SF is worse these days.

when I moved to SF a social worker was mayor, there was a huge homeless camp in front of city hall (which was falling down), Lower Haight was dangerous and mostly under the central freeway, South of Market was rough, Mid-Market was rough and had strip clubs, there were a bunch of really bad public housing near Hayes Valley, graffiti was high art and people complained about property crime and DA Hallinan. :laughing

the SF I walk through every day is a gentrified Disney Land in comparison to the bad old days ... :dunno

imo, no one cared about my motorcycles then, and no one cares about them now, certainly not the SFPD or the DA, so I try to keep them locked up and insured,
and try not to let people with an agenda spin me up. :teeth

anyway, what do I know? I thought DA Boudin was a great choice. :afm199:blah
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Untitled work in progress
It may not be as bad as when you moved there. I am just referring to the slide I have seen since I started to work there in 2012.

I was there once in about 1990 for the first time. Family vacation kinda thing around new years...I was 10. Had my life threatened by an older homeless vet, just for existing. So I stayed away for the next 18 years or so minus a concert and a few games at Candlestick which I never thought of as indicative of SF. I moved to the Bay Area in 2008 and have been to SF 3-6 times a year at least since then, and obviously more when I worked there. I didn't notice it go down in those few years before I worked there though it may have. Then in 2012 it was in my face. I took CalTrain for about 18 months and walked from 4th/king to 7th and Market. Then I did BART for about 3 years to civic center mostly. I spent most of my time in the Tenderloin, SoMa, and the financial district.
I walked a lot. I saw a lot of terrible and illegal stuff and it only got worse over those 4.5 years. I was threatened a few more times. I helped stop an assault on a street performer who was well liked inside the civic center BART station. I had to give a guy on a bicycle a forearm shiver once to illustrate to him that cyclists aren't supposed to run over pedestrians on sidewalks especially when the bike lane is about 4 feet away. I've not had to deal with any of that kind of stuff anywhere else I have ever been.