Fatal crash on Marsh Creek Rd. (01/05/2020)


Oh man, me and Bruce (Junction regular) came upon this accident on Sunday. We saw your neighbor tirelessly administrating CPR, trying to resuscitate crashed Harley rider for a good minute or two, we got there on our bikes and already a few cars were parked in front of us blocked by the crash.

When the first fire truck finally showed up, we didn't want to clog up the scene for the police/ambulance that were arriving soon, so detoured via Morgan Territory back to Lib'mo.

Had a bad feeling about it, Harley guy was non-responsive and deep dwon I just knew it was a fatality:rip

Yeah I was the first car behind the rider. All I could do was call 911. If you're one of the riders who came upon the scene and walked up to get a better look, you would have known instantly that it was a fatality. My neighbor knew it too but he still valiantly tried to get a pulse because that's what he's trained to do.