Dog vs. Bike, need advice


Well-known member
Ok, I'll try and be impartial as possible here. My 16 year old son (MSF course and 3000 miles on the street so far) was riding his Ninja 250 on a one lane paved private rd that my parents live on out in the boonies. He was returning home after working on a project out there. Near the end of the rd, two large dogs ran out of the bushes and one went for his leg, while the other got tangled up in the front wheel/fairing gap causing him to go down. He was going 15-20 mph and received a few cuts on his knee and ankle. His foot looked to be broken, but his just heavily bruised. He had on good gloves,helmet and a Joe Rocket Jacket, all were not damaged. The bike is scuffed and the windscreen is broken. Now here's the deal, the guy that owns the dogs has no homeowners's insurance and is a broke-dick pothead. In the last year the dogs have attacked a guy walking with his kids-he beat the one dog away with his walking stick and the sheriff took a report. One dog killed an alpaca across the road, another report was made. Under a court order the dogs are to be contained at all times. They have tried to jump in to my dad's convertible and attack him as he passes. He blasted them with bear mace, the owner stopped my 72 year old dad and threatened to kick his ass if he sprayed the dog again. Cops were called, another report was made. Cops made a report last night too. What needs to happen before the guy gets a trip to jail or the dogs taken away? How do I get the bike fixed? Legal to cap the dog as it charges me as I ride by? I hate to kill the dogs due to a shitty owner, but enough is enough...


Well-known member
IANAL, but I reckon Small Claims would work here. If you can collect the evidence and police reports against the dogs. It won't stop the dogs (dunno if the SC courts can make an order on that or not), but should get a lien against him to recover your damages. Mind, not that, you know, you'll actually recover those damages…doubt you'll ever see a dime of that money…but, you know, you'll should at least get a judgement.

I'd send him an invoice for the damages first.

I don't know if you can call animal control directly to bring the matter to their attention (they'd have to look at the police reports, etc.). May not be a lot of animal control out in the boonies.


Well-known member
I always feel like these situations are a at a full loss for the victim if the other party is too broke with no insurance.


Well-known member
I just called animal control. They are sending me a few complaint forms. They said then if I end up in court, they can then release the prior reports to help show a pattern of aggressiveness. The weird thing is, the dog is a yellow lab that's doing the attacking. Must be inbred or beaten, never seen a lab that crazy.


Well-known member
I would take care of this myself. Living out in the boonies this can not and will not be tolerated, pet or not.


Well-known member
Small claims might be your only recourse. Even that might not be anything if you're portraying the owner accurately.

Take pictures of for, lots and lots of pic of varying angles, bring the most dramatic ones to court.

And yes, self defense is self defense, but if you don't have a permit too carry, or a reason to be carrying, you may be in some legal battles of your own.

Make sure you get a video if possible (obviously don't go antagonizing the dogs) for further evidence.
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Well-known member
I'll be heading out there tonight to get pics of the bike. I limped it back to my parents house last night. I'll have my phone ready to film as I drive by in case the dogs are still out. Thanks for all of the advice so far. I'm a pretty mellow person and hate dealing with this kind of crap. My breaking point last night was when the dog owner said he was having a relaxing evening until "some kid decided to crash his bike in front of my house"
I politely told him he needed to STFU.


Well-known member
Get yourself a nice cattle prod and zap the little bastard.

If the owner comes out, give him a little taste of it too. :thumbup


Well-known member
Any dog can be a psycho spaz. Its all in the training.

I would take care of this myself. Living out in the boonies this can not and will not be tolerated, pet or not.

Agreed!!! Do something about it. I won't allow it to charge at me, my dad, or other cars/bikes, etc. :troy

Now, since the foot of the rider is badly swollen/hurt and the knees are also scratched....question is where were the leather pants & boots? It's funny how most people wear a jacket, helmet, and gloves......why, isn't your body below the waistline important to you? Just saying.


I'm scareoused!
Do you have comprehensive insurance, or UIM on the bike? If so, recover damages from your insurance company and let them go after the dog owner to collect. One of the biggest reasons to get good coverage is that it makes shit like this your insurance companies problem, rather than your problem. And the insurance company has a lot of resources and experience collecting.

If your son went to the doctor or hospital about the foot, that can bump the size of the claim up a lot, which gives the insurance company a bigger incentive to collect. Just be aware that any medical claim will attempt to collect from your auto insurance award.

Lunch Box

Useful idiot
Now, since the foot of the rider is badly swollen/hurt and the knees are also scratched....question is where were the leather pants & boots? It's funny how most people wear a jacket, helmet, and gloves......why, isn't your body below the waistline important to you? Just saying.

Agreed, but that isn't the focus of the thread :)laughing @ focus on BARF. I know). I definitely wouldn't condone violence, and would do my best to avoid that area as much as possible. That said, I would make damned sure I was prepared to defend myself if I had to go on that stretch of road again.


Not Erudite, just er
Forget small claims, you'll be there forever. If he owns his home, but doesn't have insurance to pay your damages, put a lien on the property. It's the only way to fiscally justify taking action against a dead-beat. If things work out well, you can sell the house & property to cover your son's & your losses and pay for the atty.
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Well-known member
Don't kill or hurt the dogs intentionally. You will be seen as the bad guy. I've gone through similar - get a lawyer. Mine advised calling cops every time the dogs were loose. Take videos and pictures. Eventually the courts will take your side and force him to solve the problem.

Don't react and get yourself into criminal legal problems.


Not-quite retired Army

Officers, I was walking my property line and posting these 'No Trespassing' signs on these trees and the dog(s) attacked me on my property. I was afraid for my life and I shot to protect myself. I was carrying the shotgun because I was afraid I'd be attacked.


Well-known member
Seriously I would be very worried about my parents well being and my son. Those dogs are dangerous and something needs to be done before they attack someone again. I would not hesitate to use bear spray anytime on those dogs.