Who has ridden naked under their gear?

Have You Ridden Nakey?

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Well-known member
You didn't leave a choice for "none of the above" for those of us who feel compelled to vote in every poll. :rolleyes

Where's the link to the Santa Cruz winter naked ride they used to hold annually?

Hey Scott :wave

I wasn’t interested in finding who wears undies, I wanted to know if going nude chafes. I tried to widen the poll and thread to beyond just a Stich so more folks could participate in this poll.

You can start another thread and do a poll asking how much clothes folks wear under their gear.


If you sweat at all, I can almost guarantee that being nekkid under your gear will lead to chafing. Riding gear is not soft inside, and leather for sure sticks. Textile just rubs you raw. That's why undersuits were developed. And they can actually feel cooler in hot weather than bare skin.


mean dad

Well-known member
I can't imagine what leathers would smell like after a hot sweaty commando ride.

Front or back, boy or girl. No thanks.

mean dad

Well-known member
Need to schedule a naked ride in the damn summer months. Vampires run theirs in January and there is no question that's the coldest I've ever been on a motorcycle.
I've ridden in lower temps, in freezing rain/sleet and snow, but none of those compare to having the wind reach every part of your body.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I’ve been nude on both the Harley and the RC51. Special attention to sitting is definitely required on the Honda!!!

mean dad

Well-known member
I’ve been nude on both the Harley and the RC51. Special attention to sitting is definitely required on the Honda!!!

First naked ride I did was on the DRZ. Damn package sitting up on the flat seat with me, fully exposed to the wind and weather. :laughing