Who has a late-model SR400?


I'd like to put together a comparison test of the SR and the Genuine G400C:


It's a Chinese-built Honda Single (the manufacturer actually built the CB400SS for Honda when it was a Japan-only model) that seems to be very similar to the SR. Does somebody have an unmodded or lightly modded 2015-2019 that they'd want to let me ride a bit? You'd get a free lunch, cool action photos of you and your bike, plus it'd be fun to cruise around on some strange and then be in a magazine story, no? Your feedback on the G400C would be valuable, as would be your knowledge of Japanese thumpers.

PM or email if interested: getshokin at gmail.


Well-known member
Barry at SF Scooter Center has a few of those, he'd probably let you test ride them.


Well-known member

>Who has a late-model SR400?

Still hungover obviously.. and unable to read correctly... :p