Where to buy prisms?


Well-known member
So I turn to the wisdom that is BARF.

I am working on an idea for an invention and I need some prisms to experiment with. The problem is that you can't just run down to the corner store and pick some up. I have looked online (ebay, amazon, google) but cannot find anything that is both affordable and workable.

So I turn to you BARF, does anyone know where I can get an assortment of prisms for relatively cheap? They don't need to be high quality optical glass but you do need to be able to see through them clearly. I need a prism to reflect 90's (an assortment of other degrees would be nice also) and assorted refracting prisms.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


California Survey and Drafting supply. Although maybe not the type of prism you're looking for. Unless you strip the housing and shine light through the side instead of the front.

matt fe2o3

Opticians put sticky one on glasses to correct vision problems. They are clear and have a range of widths between the channels. You might try that.

Edit: Oh yes, the Ophthalmologists also use them for eye testing is the cube/triangle style. Give that a shot.


Peripheral Visionary
ready? try the Exploratorium gift shop.

I bought a prism there... (well ok, back in 1980 as a kid :laughing) but it's a solid local lead for sure.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone, some great sources. Some of them are expensive as hell, but I guess you pay for quality.

Thank you. If anyone has any other sources (for especially low price) prisms, please continue to post them.


Own the Mess You've Made!
do you need glass or plastic? Depending on your experiment and light sources. If you're doing anything with lasers with any sort of power, glass is the way to go. polished mirrored plastics are good enough for visible bands and imaging or diagnostics but you don't always get color fidelity if that's important.