What motivates you?


Pissant Squid
To fix injustice in the world, to make sure minorities don't get unnecessarily hassled by the cops.........HAHAHAHAHHA........just fuckin' with you, Rel.

Money. Just like every one else. Money makes me stand in front of this milling machine until 3am every night. Money makes it so I can keep my baby happy (not saying she is a money grubbing so and so, not at all, but money allows me to let her buy anything she wants, which in turn, makes her let me buy anything I want). Money is the root of all happiness. Well, maybe not, but I like it.
Money makes the world go round. Money so I can afford a better quality of life for myself. Money so I can afford a better quality of life for my nephew and niece (though my sister takes good care of them anyway). Money so I can experience the most life has to offer.

Influence. Influence to change people. To change a group. To inspire others around me to share in my views. To help people. To do better. To push themselves. To improve themselves, their work, the world...one bit at a time.

Those are my biggest 2.


Well-known member
My motivation was getting in the way of chill time so I hunted it down and killed it.


a REAL nice smile from the checkout girl at TJ's...

like Werner Von Braun said...We aimed for the stars, but hit London. o well.:ride
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