What do you keep doing even though you suck at it?


AFM #731
I pretty much sucked at riding dirtbikes... on my best day, about all you could say was "mediocre"... but I was out there every Saturday, and every Sunday, 9 months out of the year, for 3 years. I loved it. Crashed a lot, but didn't care. That's the main reason I don't ride now... it would take waaaaaay too long for the broken bones to heal! :laughing

Generally, though, if I completely suck at something, it's not fun. I'll never get better than intermediate at bass, but it's fun, so I keep playing!


Can I be....frank?
blowjobs [/thread]

How many PM's have you got since posting this? :laughing

I keep practicing at GOLF and think I'm getting better than I realize I still have no game because I hit the GOLF ball off the tee then can't find the GOLF ball I don't know where the hell it went so I practice more GOLF and realize the driving range is not the GOLF course and so I practice more GOLF and love the sport more every day. :rofl