What Are You Thinking Of Right Now?


Well-known member
I think Woody is back, at K-FOG now, do we need to write him and let him know that AB-51 passed and lane sharing is legal here in California, or did he get his mind right while he was away? :dunno


Well-known member
Demo phase of kitchen remodel is almost done. Repairs done during demo required. Materials drop this week for floor and cabinets. How did I get so old that it hurts this much? Why was I stupid enough to do this myself and not pay someone?


get it while it's easy
i think we may have lost one of our ferals. very old, very frail snaggle-toothed male who never left the garden, and never missed a meal. haven’t seen him in two days, and can’t find him anywhere. :(


You can't be "in love with someone else" and date me at the same time. That math don't jive. Good luck with that.


get it while it's easy
am thinking about the nine members of the puerto rican national guard that perished in the C-130 crash today.

Rest In Peace.


Honey Badger

...iz a girl
I'm thinking I need to get my negotiation skills up to par, as I have a major potential issue if I don't negotiate this "promotion" properly!


Well-known member
am thinking about the nine members of the puerto rican national guard that perished in the C-130 crash today.

Rest In Peace.


I'm thinking, me whining and winging abouta busted up knee and snot filled lungs suddenly seems pretty selfish :cry

RIP crash victims
...long may you run


Lunch Box

Useful idiot
I'm thinking that it bums me out that I can barely even hang out with friends when they drive an hour to come see me. I'm also thinking that it will all be worth it.


Je Suis BARF
Staff member
I think that not giving a fuck will help more than giving a fuck. In this particular situation.


Still at work. 13 hours later, 3 hours to go. I still hate over time. Maybe I should be sick tomorrow. But I hate people touching my paperwork.


I need to figure out what the new boss drives to work. Maybe riding to work is a bad idea.....I ride like an asshole to work.