What are you doing November 8th?


Well-known member
What are you doing November 8th?


You shouldn't. Rather, you should spend the day running a polling place! You'll probably have to work from 6AM to 9:30PM (or in some counties, just the evening), and the pay is minimal cash... but rich in experience: you're one of the people making democracy work.

Sign up with your county:
SF: http://sfgov.org/elections/be-poll-worker
Alameda: https://www.acgov.org/rov/pollworkers/
Santa Clara: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/rov/Volunteer/Pages/Volunteer.aspx
CoCo: http://www.cocovote.us/get-involved/poll-worker-program/
Marin: http://www.marincounty.org/depts/rv/poll-workers/become-a-poll-worker

Of course, you should still vote--do that beforehand doing early or mail in vote. Unless you're not eligible to vote. But if you're a legal resident (or high school student not old enough to vote), you can still work as a poll worker and contribute to your residence!


Well-known member
Yes its an interesting experience. :cool

If you don't see allot of people normally. This is fun seeing allot the different people.


Well-known member
I'm working at a polling place in Marin, it's a long fun day. People primarily vote by mail there, but I handed out 175 Democratic ballots, 3 Republican, 6 Libertarian, 6 Independent, 1 Peace & Freedom, 0 American Independent & 0 of a party I can't remember the name of during the primary election in June. Independent voters were given the choice of an Independent ballot or a Democratic ballot. Most choose the Democratic ballot. Each party sets the rules for who can use their ballots.


Well-known member
I just got my precinct assignment. It's walking distance from my house, I was hoping a friend would live in the precinct but looks like they're right across the street from the boundary.


Well-known member
What are you doing November 8th?


You shouldn't. Rather, you should spend the day running a polling place! You'll probably have to work from 6AM to 9:30PM (or in some counties, just the evening), and the pay is minimal cash... but rich in experience: you're one of the people making democracy work.

Sign up with your county:
SF: http://sfgov.org/elections/be-poll-worker
Alameda: https://www.acgov.org/rov/pollworkers/
Santa Clara: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/rov/Volunteer/Pages/Volunteer.aspx
CoCo: http://www.cocovote.us/get-involved/poll-worker-program/
Marin: http://www.marincounty.org/depts/rv/poll-workers/become-a-poll-worker

Of course, you should still vote--do that beforehand doing early or mail in vote. Unless you're not eligible to vote. But if you're a legal resident (or high school student not old enough to vote), you can still work as a poll worker and contribute to your residence!

Great idea! I just registered for El Dorado County! My training class is 10/25. So excited!

Thanks for posting!


Well-known member
Lots of places really need bilingual poll workers, sometimes in esoteric languages.

A few more counties:

El Dorado County: There is a need for poll workers - specifically Spanish/English bilingual on the west slope and Tahoe basin, and Tagalog/English in the Tahoe basin. Contact Barbara at (530) 621-7471 if interested.
Sonoma: http://vote.sonoma-county.org/content.aspx?sid=1009&id=1065
Napa (has non-day-of positions too): http://www.countyofnapa.org/Elections/PollWorker/
Sacto: http://www.elections.saccounty.net/Pages/Poll Worker.aspx


2fast 2live 2young 2die
I am going to go around and collect different Trump/Pence advertisements, store them in the attic so I can pull them out years from now and laugh/cry at how insane this election was.