Welcome to the Covid 19 forum - includes vital links


General Menace
Staff member
Hey All,

We decided we should have a specific forum dedicated to the pandemic.

This will be for the dissemination of important information to our community.

Dr SLO and Snaggy have graciously accepted the task of leading this effort and I know we all appreciate his effort in this.

The problem is his information is convoluted with multiple other items and often can be easy to miss.

I have reached out to a few other medical professionals here to offer them to join in.

These are unprecedented times and since we are a community I felt this was a good thing to do. Provide a resource for YOU to find good information that affect you and your families.

As part of this we are also closing the Group ride and Social Gathering forums until the SIP order has been redacted. Our Covid 19 riding protocols are here .
UPDATED 4.28.20

This is the time for Americans to step up and realize that their personal freedom does not mean that we should be allowed to do as we wish with the freedoms granted in the USA. It is time to look at the bigger picture for the good of all Americans and the world. Please take a moment to think about your motorcycle life while we try to defeat this virus.

I hope you all find this forum useful.

I am sending my best to our members and family during these difficult times.

We will ride again. :thumbup
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General Menace
Staff member
Links to stuff

This virus has hit us hard.
It first popped up here as a subject in January. I think we all thought wow.... China is screwed!! Then when it got bad we still really did not get that it was headed here. The last few months have been historical in so many ways. Nothing in our life time has affected 80-90% of humans on the planet like this has.

Being a SIP citizen sharing this reality with you has been good for me.
Something to do and a responsibility to think through. A responsibility to this community but more so to my fellow citizens and to humanity.

I accept that I will pay a big price to do that. I just hope it stays a fiscal price and not one that carves deep in terms of human loss. Many of us are taking it on the chin and for many it has been a punch to the gut.

Of course this is a hot topic. I collected a few links on different subjects for both info to you and for historical reasons. There are quite a few more. I left political forum threads out of course.

I will probably add more as we work our way through this.
I believe we will and this could be a good reset for humanity if we are smart enough to apply a lot of what we have had to do. Its affect on how we do business, appreciate life in general and more importantly our planet hopefully will be captured. I do believe this is our opportunity to reset.

We issued our thoughts on riding during the pandemic.
BARF Covid 19 Riding Protocols

We saw community reach out.
Quarantine Assistance Needed Thread

And more...
Dames Don't Care Volunteer Covid Deliveries

The dominant thread where much good information and debate has taken place. It is where Dr_SLO began delivering a knowledgeable and steady voice.
Corona Virus are you ready?

It is the biggest banter thread with lots of good info — headed to best of BARF at some point. It will be historical at some point.

A reach out for info to share.
Covid 19 important links - post them here. . If you have links that help our community add them there and they will be posted in this forum.

Some community feels.
How are you handling isolation

Now is a good time too....

What will a post covid-19 world look like?

Some edgy stuff
Legality of SIP

will the world still practice retirement @ 65 after covid-19

Some more uplifting stuff
Album Covers that Represent the Coronavirus Outbreak

Some sad stuff
John Prine in critical condition with Covid-19

Some financial stuff
So anything gonna save the economy?

Some sincere message stuff
A very powerful Covid 19 message and its impact on the poor

Some day to day reality
So who has to go to work?

Who is working from home or not working due to the pandemic?

Some uh roh stuff
PSA: Filtration masks are almost impossible to find

One of the first big threads about the virus.
China quarantines city of 18 million to try to contain virus.
This started in January. In hindsight we should have seen it coming huh??

And one of the most important...:p
BARF will remain open for bidness
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General Menace
Staff member
Thanks Butch.

You reminded me I needed to edit the OP.

New riding protocols and adjustment of some info.