Unsafe lane change in a one lane road???


The Anti-Squid
I would like to know how one can get a unsafe lane change, lane sharing at a red light on a one laned road, where the rider never left the lane???

P.S. I am sure you already figured that I got a tickert for this.


The Anti-Squid
21658(a) unsafe lane change. The ticket even staes my speed at 10mph in a 25 mph zone witha safe speed of 25. Funny thing on here is that he even wrote my bike as red when it is all silver and black (f4i).

Also, in the Comments section for weather and such what, it just says WDM, what does that mean.

P.S. thanks for responding:teeth


Well-known member
If there is only one lane and you did not leave it, then it seems like an easy ticket to beat, particularly if he is saying you were riding at less than 1/2 of the safe speed!

I wasn't there and I don't know what s/he saw that made them stop you. WDM is likely wet, daylight, moderate traffic. W could be windy. Everyone uses different abbreviations. I put my notes on the back of the ticket.

Which makes me think, if you want to fight the ticket, file a motion for discovery and get a copy of the back of the ticket to see what notes s/he made. That may help you figure out what you may have done that was seen as unsafe and would certainly aid in any defense.

Get a copy of FIGHT YOUR TICKET from Nolo Press.