- they wanted cash, so I dropped the dash


King of FAIL
Thanks to some funky technicality, I wasn't able to renew the old unofficial-afm domain name I've been using to host result sheets for the past few years. So I dropped the dash between "unofficial" and "afm" for 2009.

Result sheets with finishing gaps are up for the first two rounds.

Also, I know a good portion of you work for different tracktime providers already, but if you're interested in winning a free trackday, you can enter to win one of three trackdays on my website. Funds go to PolyHouse - a program at my school that does home renovations for disadvantaged families. Tickets are $5 for one, $20 for five.

For more on PolyHouse, go to

To enter the raffle, go to my website at

Trackdays were generously donated by Pacific Track Time, Keigwins@theTrack, and Zoom Zoom Trackdays - you guys and gals are awesome!


Can I be....frank?
I didn't see any '09 results sheets?

You dropped the dash, but doesn't the space between Kennedy's glutes constitute a dash? :laughing

675 Trip

Well-known member
Thanks for bringing this back. I used it all last year as my first resort for results and then just confirmed them with the official site. :)


Truth is Subjective
Donated to my locals! :thumbup

MrCrash, I will have to meet up with you some time in SLO. :ride