tree fell across HWY 9 in front of me yesterday!


Well-known member
I was riding up HWY 9 yesterday from Saratoga and about a mile or so up the hill a tree was falling toward the road in front of me... did a bit of a panic and then luckily the power line it fell onto didn't collapse (phew!... otherwise I might have been dealing with live power lines!)... I was then able to squeeze by on the right shoulder of the road while cars scrambled to stop. Luckily no one ran into the tree and it was all clear by the time I made it back around a 1/2 hour or so later!

Sure made me mind my corner speeds and speed in general after seeing that! It was, just around one of the sharper turns!!!


What time was it ? We went through there around 4. No tree, no road crew, just the usual rolling roadblocks



Well-known member
Lets see it must have been right around 6:30PM

The tree looked pretty darn dead and I believe the cars that stopped were able to get it moved out of the way... estimate it was less than 1 foot in diameter at it's thickest point but about 30-40ft. long... more of a dead log than a tree (I guess)

What time was it ? We went through there around 4. No tree, no road crew, just the usual rolling roadblocks

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Well-known member
A story like that needs video! Did the tree fall blocking the road? Lucky on the power line, high voltage is seriously dangerous to even be near.


Well-known member
Timing is everything.

I was fishing on McCloud River one day, way down a bad road. On my way up the canyon, I found that the road was nearly washed out by a slide. I made it out, but the road was impassible the next day, totally gone.

You are blessed with Good Timing.

Dyn Blin

Glad your timing dodged it. I've been hiking in the hills on hot dry days and watched the eucalyptus crack and shed some good-sized limbs. 'Would hate to be under one on a ride.


Well-known member
Glad you didn't get hit! One word of caution, if the tree is on a power line, don't be the one to touch it. My friend that works for PG&E jumped all over me for climbing a power pole to rescue my cat. He said "Your cat can become a fuse". Best to call the pros.

Bay Arean

Well-known member
Since I regularly have this day-mare, that the dang things are gonna fall on me, this really got my attention. I always imagine trying to swerve but possibly having just nowhere to go.

So glad yer alright.


Staff member
So weird!

I used to live up in Oregon right on the edge of National Forest. There was a huge beetle infestation at some point, and many trees were killed. Fast forward a few years and my dad and I were hiking. Every several seconds, if you stopped and listened, it seemed like you could hear a tree falling in the distance. It's dead-quiet up there, and the granite of the mountains seems to amplify all noises. I never saw one fall close to us the entire time we were hiking, which was a few days, but I was on pins and needles the whole time, and we were really careful picking out our camp sites!