Track day on April 26 at Thunder Hill.


Well-known member
Hey folks just another posting of track day at Thunder Hill on April 26. The track day is sponsored by Lockhart Phillips. This track day is ONLY 100.00 and worth it!! I need your answer regarding if you want to go or not before this coming Friday so I can get the head count of who is going and who is please be prompt on sending me an answer as to yes or email address is



yuck, thanks for the visual art :twofinger

so, i got a new job today, i told my new boss that i have a trackday on the 7th & that i'll need a day off every month during the summer for more dayz, he was like "cool, that sounds like fun" :D

now if i could just get on speedyard so i can pay for the day i'll be all set


Well-known member
Hello everyone! $100 for a trackday is the best but you will not get too much time on the track. Days like that usually have over 100 people and run in up to four sessions of 20mins each. This is the reason we run two groups and include lunch. Plus we only have about 40 riders total.

I think it is really cool to see vendors doing trackdays, I just dont know how much time you will actually have on the track.

Best wishes to you on that trackday you are going to.