This is a stolen Bike Right?


Dogs best friend
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probly a duck.
That add seemed to be particularly *duck-like*.


Numbers McGee
Possession of stolen property (assuming they can "prove" the person in possession knew it was stolen)


Rolls with it...
... and not having “paperwork”, and you knowing that, is problematic when saying “I didn’t know...”

Lionel Cosgrove

Well-known member
I was wondering the same?

If a person knowingly receives/purchases stolen property they have committed a crime (496PC). It would be hard to fulfill those elements from a craigslist purchase without some damning evidence (like text messages or whatever).


Custom User Title
(stupid question disclaimer/donning flame suit)

What crimes would they be looking for on the buyer's side?

Easy charge for taking possession of something known stolen. Then when they're serving the warrant they find other stolen bikes, rinse and repeat. It's good.


Well-known member
An old bike without papers being sold for parts is automatically stolen? Great detetctive work Sherlock.


Work In Progress
An old bike without papers being sold for parts is automatically stolen? Great detetctive work Sherlock.

Looks like a bike that is, or could easily be, running. That and a flimsy story about lost paper work makes we wonder Mr Watson.


Numbers McGee
The Yoshi slip on it has is worth his asking price for the whole bike. So yeah, pretty suspicious.


Well-known member
If it is a title issue it would be civil issue not bike into back of van stolen. You fellas were fixxin to bugger a bike thief.