Street Riding Schools


Well-known member
canyonrat2 said:
What about Rich Oliver's mystery school? I've heard it is great training and covers areas you can only learn on a track.

Mystery School is great... but it won't do anything to help your street riding. Unless you're planning to do put on a steel shoe and do lots of two-wheel slides!


Well-known member
Tell him to read "Proficient Motorcyling" and "More Proficient Motorcycling" after taking the MSF. I forgot the author though...


get off my lawn
The MSF BRC may seem pretty basic, but its purpose in life is to provide the initial skills for a new rider to build on.

Its all about developing muscle memory. Your lizard brain has a bunch of canned reactions that are pretty much the worst possible response to riding situations: target fixation, grabbing at controls, panic braking, etc.

The BRC drills you on a bunch of the most critical maneuvers. A street ride is not going to provide an opportunity to repeat quickstops and swerves and over and over and over, with helpful coaching each time.

So, I guess I have to disagree with you. There was quite a bit of thought put into the curriculum, and almost all riders with less than 1000 miles under their belt can still benefit from the course. I've seen students come in thinking they knew everything because they'd ridden before, who by the end of the class are either not as good as the other students who started from scratch, or who have still learned something.

Heck, I find it keeps my skills sharp... and I'm a MSF RiderCoach!

The next training spot for a student after the BRC is lots of practice in parking lots and quiet roads.

Then maybe the wilds of traffic. Before then? Bad idea, in my opinion.

Just my $0.02.