Stop dog barking devices - anybody have experience?


On a brake
Got a neighbor issue - the issue is they leave a very friendly, very scared Rotweiler in a tiny yard - maybe 20' x 6', and never take him for a walk, never let him inside, never interact with him. Typical wanna be ghetto losers. The only douchebags on the whole block and they're right next door to us. :rolleyes

Anyway, the dog barks out of frustration at predictable times - starts at 10:30pm and goes until midnight, every night. I'm sick of being kept awake by him.

Cops don't do shit.

So can anyone recommend a anti-dog barking device that actually works?

I mean direct experience, not what can be read online or heard from someone else.



47% parasite 53% ahole

It's the only way.


On a brake
I would shoot myself, but the dog would keep barking, so I don't see how that will help, really.

Cereal KLR

Well-known member
The City of san Mateo has a program,not sure if your city does. They all start with owner contact first. PHS will not respond either.

They have a list of sht to do before they will do anything however, like make audio recordings, eight consecutive complaints, i.e jump thru hoops but thems the rules.
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Well-known member
Have you tried getting the cops to respond to a noise complaint? Call them in and ask for incident numbers.

Keep track of every incident, duration, and its effect on you. EVERY one. For a few months. Keep track of neighbor contact asking them to do something. Video with sound several occurrences. Go to small claims court for the maximum. Repeat.

Some people get dog tranquilizer and put it in a bit of hamburger.

And get your neighbors to do also keep records. Small claims court will LISTEN to four people and four $5k judgments against the neighbor will stop them. Also, if he is a renter go RIGHT TO THE LANDLORD. Certified letter and phone call. He does not want to go to court for his tenants.

Cereal KLR

Well-known member
Cities are broke...

"Due to budget restraints the San Mateo Police Department no longer dispatches police officers to barking dog complaints."


Well-known member
O, and one last thing. Earplugs. Seriously, if you want to stop the problem and the neighbors won't cooperate, you can, but it is work.


That's COLD, Brrrr
I used one of those programmable bark collars on my old gent for the benefit of the neighbors. It taught him to bark twice, rest a tick, then repeat. That's pretty tolerable and overall he has some good manners.


I got a couple of "Bark Off's" for the kids window for the neighbors side of the house I like. They seemed to work okey, even from the inside of the window. Put them up and a few hours later barking stopped. The neighbors on the other side of my house are a different story, waiting for their dogs to try and bite me when leaving for work:troy

If those don't work, follow what the guy with the walker said; hit'em in the pocket.

Lester Green

this is why my closest neighbors are over an acre a way...I don't play well enough with others to live any closer, no way i could take that intrusion w/o going postal.

mean dad

Well-known member
my neighbors directly behind me have a dog that starts barking at around 5:00 am everyday, and doesn't let up unitl daylight. aggravating on work days, insanely frustrating on weekends.
went over there the second week i lived here, when it became obvious it was a regular thing. was rebuffed in my attempts for an amicable resolution. "lived here long time, my dog, stfu, gtfo, etc..."

a fan next to the bed provides white noise that is surprisingly effective, and i use earplugs if i need to catch up on sleep.

oh, and the same neighbors have a 13 brazillian watt porch light at their backdoor that flashes intermittently ALL night long...

fuckin people.

mean dad

Well-known member
oh, i've thought about it. my concern is trajectory origin location due to ballistic evidence. :teeth


i have gas
Go buy a cheap speaker, hook it up to a cd player and play one song on repeat all day and night, wear ear plugs. When the cd and player wears out buy another one.
Or you can rescue the dog from them :teeth


Swimming the river Styx
We tried the bark collar (didn't work), and this device that would put out a noise in the dog whistle frequency (didn't work either but was worse, cause it just caused the dog to bark more when they heard it). Ours were only a problem at the start of each year though when the kids would pass by in mass. After a week or so the dogs would get used to it and stop.

I feel for the dog. As soon as I got home, the dogs were with me. Never outside at night alone.