STOLEN 1/24/18 - 2015 MV Agusta Brutale 800 - Grey w/ Red Frame - Plate: 22N5692


Well-known member
2015 MV Agusta Brutale 800 - Grey with Red Frame, Plate: 22N5692

Stolen around 4:15am in Cow Hollow, San Francisco on 1/24/18.

Would appreciate any help or information! I'm devastated, I absolutely loved this bike. I'll likely never recover it (no tracker) but it's worth a shot.




Well-known member
Dude, so sorry. That sucks so bad. I’ll leave it to others to ask all the same questions we always see in these threads.

A close friend of mine is a CHP officer who has worked for close to a decade and a half with Santa Clara County’s RATTF (Regional Auto Theft Task Force) and Alameda County’s ACRATT (Alameda County Regional Auto Theft Task Force). Both of these Task Forces have their own web sites and Facebook pages. My friend has created a web site to assist LEOs and communities in recovering stolen property called There’s a category specifically for motorcycles:

You might consider posting on his site as well.


OP, now and then there are stories of joy rides ending within a few blocks of the original stolen location. Drive/walk about your 'hood.

So sorry!


Moto Tire Veteran
Suxors will keep eyes open.

Do MV's have that radio chip key? If yes bike probably lifted and tossed into van.


Professional troublemaker
I'm in Cow Hollow too - I'll keep an eye out for it, in case it was 'just' joyridden a short distance.


Sorry for the loss and here is what I have been doing for theft prevention, Tile:

Just realized that the bike in the video is a MV Agusta also, strange coincidence.
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Well-known member
Suxors will keep eyes open.

Do MV's have that radio chip key? If yes bike probably lifted and tossed into van.

It appears they don't. I was under the impression they did like Ducati. But I heard the bike running and being driven off. I think I was partially woken up by the sound of him breaking the steering lock and then completely woken by the sound of start-up. As soon as I heard the engine run I knew it was my bike.


MSF Rider Coach
Best Wishes

2015 MV Agusta Brutale 800 - Grey with Red Frame, Plate: 22N5692

Stolen around 4:15am in Cow Hollow, San Francisco on 1/24/18 . . .

I'm sorry to hear this. I used to live in SF (now Chicago) and had the luxury of having a neighbor who allowed me to park behind a locked, fenced carport.

So many threads about theft and vandalism. . .

Good luck to you and hope your beautiful machine is returned with no damage!


Red Power!
Fellow MV owner. So sorry to hear about your bike. Might want to post up on for more visibility.


Well-known member
Attention all. Found the bike at O'Farrell and Hyde today while I was driving to work. Called the cops and had it towed to service shop. But I would really appreciate if anyone could get me a chain lock or disc lock while it sits there overnight (service shop is closed Monday). The guy put his own disc lock on it so I'm unable to roll the bike very far.

Damages already seen: Crashed at least once. Brake lever is snapped, radiator guard is scuffed. Punched through ignition and tore off gas cap.


Attention all. Found the bike at O'Farrell and Hyde today while I was driving to work. Called the cops and had it towed to service shop. But I would really appreciate if anyone could get me a chain lock or disc lock while it sits there overnight (service shop is closed Monday). The guy put his own disc lock on it so I'm unable to roll the bike very far.

Damages already seen: Crashed at least once. Brake lever is snapped, radiator guard is scuffed. Punched through ignition and tore off gas cap.

Should have just staked it out for a while and given the guy a beat down.


Je Suis BARF
Staff member
I'm glad you found the bike! So sorry about the damage. Effing thieves.... :mad


Well-known member
Should have just staked it out for a while and given the guy a beat down.

Hah, thought about it. Also thought about ramming him with my car if he showed up and tried to ride away. But who knows what I would deal with from the law given SF's soft stance on 'petty' crime such as vehicle theft.

Cops were giving me some info on how they're unable to chase a stolen motorcycle unless he's already commited a violent crime. Such a shame.


Well-known member
Attention all. Found the bike at O'Farrell and Hyde today while I was driving to work. Called the cops and had it towed to service shop. But I would really appreciate if anyone could get me a chain lock or disc lock while it sits there overnight (service shop is closed Monday). The guy put his own disc lock on it so I'm unable to roll the bike very far.

Damages already seen: Crashed at least once. Brake lever is snapped, radiator guard is scuffed. Punched through ignition and tore off gas cap.

PM'd you.