State of Emergency


Staff member
Another mayhem game from Rockstar Games (makers of Grand Theft Auto III)... in my possession.



Staff member
First review:

Chaos mode is, well.. chaotic and lacks any sort of defined mission. The shotgun takes people's heads off and stomping dead bodies seems to usher forth an endless supply of blood.

Renegade mode (mission mode) has better game-play, but is just as bloody. No wonder Toys 'R' Us and others are refusing to sell this one.


Well-known member
GTA3 is awesome. i try to play it everynight to get a mission done. I've opened three cities and now my missions are centered in the third city where the int'l airport is. have you guys driven the plane yet? it sorta sucks cause there are no wings but if you drive off a bridge or building, it will give you money for flight time.

man i'm an addict. :troy :sniper :barf


Staff member
I completed GTA3 but there are still plenty of things to do to 100% the game -- that's one thing I love about games these days. Took me 2 weeks of rabid playing, and I'm only 40% done although I've finished the primary plot (you'll know when you do, gmann).

Those guys at Rockstar definitely pushed the envelope.

BTW, try jumping on top of a car and just gunning people down as you get driven around. You success will vary per car, but I managed to spend about 5 minutes on one once, shooting down the helicopter and then, inevitably, being taken out by the tank. Oh yeah, find a good camping spot and you can get the full rack of wanted stars pretty quickly, then steal the tank. Of course, once you finish the game you can drive one anytime, but stealing it from the National Guard is way more fun!


Well-known member
alrighty....i just beat gta3. didn't even know i was on the last mission.

i'm only 35% complete with the game too. didn't concentrate on finding the hidden packs or anything. guess i have to now..:twofinger


Well-known member
theSteveCo said:
Another mayhem game from Rockstar Games (makers of Grand Theft Auto III)... in my possession.

So would you say it's a "must buy" or just a "rental"?