Santa Clara County Fairgrounds development dead (for now)

The Deanster

Well-known member
Maybe 408 MX will stay put...

The Board sought to obtain competing proposals for the development and operation of the entire 150-acre Fairgrounds to include existing community activities and the annual County Fair, and to propose uses for the balance of the property divided equally between active and passive recreation. The Board further indicated that it sought private investment funding to correct maintenance deficiencies at the Fairgrounds and to improve the infrastructure without requiring County financial contributions or commitments.

The responses to the current RFP did not accomplish those goals, so County Administration is recommending that the Board of Supervisors reject all proposals and rethink what will be required to accomplish the Board’s desired results.

The County will post updates of the status of the Fairgrounds process to its website at, and you are encouraged to check there in the future for the most current information.