Ruby on Rails - creating a dependent record with the parent's id


Registered. User.
Howdy all,

Anyone have tips or code snippets, or even the proper search terms, for how to code up in rails creating a dependent record, with the id of the parent?

For instance, two models: Parents, Children.

When looking at a Parent, I want to have a link to create a new Child, that is assigned to that Parent.

Only way I know how currently is to do new.Child, and in the form, have a field allowing choice of Parents.

Everything I've tried to link from a Parent record to a new Child record has failed:

<% link_to 'Add a kid', new_child_url( %>

And even though I've used earlier in the form and printed the value, it fails saying "nil value", or complains that 'new_child_url' isn't a valid method.



Registered. User.
Thanks crow!

That solved a couple other problems I've had, but they did the easy way of having the New Recipe form include a Categories drop-down list.

I want to go the other way, so that if I'm looking at a category, I click a link "Add recipe to this category" and it takes me to the new recipe form with the category_id already in the recipe form (or in a hidden field).

I'm doing a sort of inventory app to keep track of my stuff, so I have tons of items. I want to be able to add a "movement" to an item, but the list of items is WAY too long for a drop-down, so I'm trying to pass it from the item view to the movement new screen.