Question for Vulcan Owners.. 900 or 1600?


Well-known member
Been riding sport bikes all my life. From supersport 600s, 1000s, naked sports etc..

Maybe I’m just getting older (32 now), but lately, my gf and I have been itching to do some longer range trips comfortably. We live in Texas now and would love to explore “Hill Country”. But she absolutely hates riding 2 up on both my N300 and even my Z900. So, after doing much research, I think I’m looking to get a mid-2000s Vulcan classic LT. The question is, 900 or 1600? I’m a relatively small dude. I am 5’7” and weigh 170. She’s 5’5” and weighs the same (don’t tell her I disclosed her weight online lol).

I like the idea of having the 900 since it only weighs about 650lbs wet vs the 1600 which is around 850lbs. But will the 900 have enough cruising power? I don’t want to feel “strained” while cruising at 75mph (and in some cases, speed limits here in TX are 80mph)

Oh btw, hi guys. Back from a long Hiatus from teh barf :)
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old and slow
They both have enough "cruising power." And 900cc will get you by, but as they say, there really is no replacement for displacement... If you're worried about weight and tipping it, well, that's easy enough with both. If you're really old and lazy, I'll make you a deal and sell you my Volusia Lehman trike..... :D


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Well-known member
". . . .maybe I'm just getting older now (32). . . ." Hahahaha.

At more than twice your age I guess I'm totally decrepit. Now, please move to the right and let the old geezers past.