New to Barf


Commuting Rider
Have been riding in the area for years, figured it's time to join Barf finally. Lived all over, currently in Hayward, but not for much longer as it's impossible to live here. I'll post why later.


Commuting Rider
Why Hayward is Hell

Because of Motorcycles, sorry!
I ride myself, every day - instead of using cars as much as possible, but I have to speak out like that.

I have lived here for years but it has become a nightmare. It seems like specifically lately, the amount of noise mainly (unfortunately...) from bikes, mostly Harley actually, has multiplied exponentially. Not only more, also louder. There must be some kind of competition going on, who can be more obnoxious than everybody else.

A couple of nights ago, monday actually (NOT 4th of July), neighbors set off fireworks that were blasting all over the neighborhood. I had gone to sleep (I get up at 5 or 6 due to work schedule) earlier partially due to Saturday having been "donut" night all over the East Bay apparently. So, I got up and found them. It was about 10:30. I asked them if they were completely out of their minds. They asked me back what my problem was. I said, they are. Here's what they said: Why don't you complain about the motorcycles? At this point I was stunned, as that's what really my main problem was, at least on a typical night. It's difficult to differentiate, especially when they know nothing of bikes, they might think, I am part of the noise crowd. (Which I am not)

I thought about it the next day. Of course it's no excuse for something as ridiculous as fireworks on a weekday night in a residential area, but still. Got me thinking. Hayward is going down quickly, dumping into some dystopian scenario. Sorry, I used to like the place, was kind of more real than some other places.
But with the "silent majority" just standing by, I guess a few psychopaths get their way and can ruin a place like they seem to do.