New Lockdown, Merry Christmas!

Slow Goat

Fun Junkie
I’ve read that a few scientists have put forth the theory that children seem to be resistant to infection (not sick but could be carriers) because they have not experienced the lifetime of other rhinovirus or coronavirus infections (aka Colds) that adults of middle to old age have had. Something to do with the immune system and its susceptibility to this SARS/COVID-19.

The lack of a National plan early on and the subsequent politicization of mask wearing has led to far too many otherwise preventable deaths.


I'm 62 & had the covid back in March, it was a 3 week long flu with alternating symptoms. Never thought I needed medical attention & it ran its course....I still went to work each day....not in an office, I work alone.

This whole thing is being used as a political stunt. Look up regular flu deaths each year for past 5 years & they match the covid deaths of this year.

No, I didnt test, but I belong to a church that had a large Chinese delegation visit & soon after, many of us got sick.
My symptoms started out as chills & fever, body aches & weakness, then changed to stuffy nasal & congestion & then dry hacking cough & sore throat.

Ha, We are not our grandpas 60s, I'm in much better shape than I remember him being ;)

I have lived 50 years without a medical plan & always just weathered the storm when illness took place.
We've all heard stories about ER being clogged by people with flu symptoms, things that most of us would just sweat out & let run its course.
The media has blown the covid into a raging deadly pandemic, but most healthy people can overcome at home with
good care.
The medical corporate enterprise loves to suck up insurance dollars & will assign a bed & nurse-doctor to anyone feeling sick, no matter what degree.

When we hear news of increased covid rates, it doesnt mean that people are dying, it means that hospitals are increasing profits.

Think of this, the homeless are the largest population that would be susceptible to covid,
I bet there are none of them in the hospitals as they dont have insurance coverage.
Where are the news stories about the 1000s of dead homeless from covid ?

There is so much wrong in here I am not sure where to begin. You say you had covid and got over it like it was nothing but you never got tested so that is iffy at best. The flu kills between 25k-45k Americans each year. We are around 270k covid deaths this year. The homeless are absolutely filling up hospitals and emergency rooms - they do with or without a pandemic. And hospitals have been bleeding cash and many actually closing because many stopped all but emergent surgeries and that’s where the bull of their money comes from.

There has definitely been corruption and hypocrisy on the side of political leadership. That doesn’t mean the danger of the virus is any less. Don’t let your distrust of our political and corporate system cloud you judgment of a very serious disease that’s ravaging the nation.


As one entrepreneur has already figured out, Restaurants need only to rename to "French Laundry" to remain open and unmolested by the law.

I appreciate your cynicism here, it is well deserved.

I think you actually need Thomas Keller as the chef to attract that sort of clientele, though.


is insensitive
As far as I know Faucci doesn't break up data by states, he's giving general guidelines to the country. A previous member said schools are closed. Maybe there they are, but the country is made up of more than the clusterfuck known as California, hence my reference to other states, not other data. And as Climber mentioned, the people who don't like what he has to say are the ones taking it out of context. Faucci said keep schools open, if you don't like that, take your argument up with him.

You know this is the BAY AREA RIDERS FORUM, right?

The forum for riders in the San Francisco Bay Area?

I’ve read that a few scientists have put forth the theory that children seem to be resistant to infection (not sick but could be carriers) because they have not experienced the lifetime of other rhinovirus or coronavirus infections (aka Colds) that adults of middle to old age have had. Something to do with the immune system and its susceptibility to this SARS/COVID-19.

The lack of a National plan early on and the subsequent politicization of mask wearing has led to far too many otherwise preventable deaths.

You know, I just don't know. I think it is more a problem that our people are a bunch of spoiled, privileged children with no discipline and an unerring demand for instant gratification.

Pure conjecture on my part, I know, but that is the feel that I get from all of this.

This day and age is so rife with clearly documented cases of shit we should not do because it is bad for us and Americans just seem to fuck off and do whatever they want anyway. :dunno
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