never thought it would happen to me (both wrists broken)


Well-known member
so today, i installed my new pilot powers and decided to take its maiden voyage. left my house, rode about a quarter mile to a turn... took it extremey careful (about 20mph) immediately rear slid out and a split second later, it regained traction and bucked me off... ilanded superman style and also hit my head on the ground.


both wrists broken, and a huge rash on my left leg. the next two months are gonna suck....

any tips to make life easier?


Well-known member
i had on a textile jacket, held gloves, sidi boots and my arai lid. i was wearing jeans..


Well-known member
You still type good. :teeth

Tips to make life easier? I'm out, sorry. Maybe get some leather pants for next time. Hell, even chaps....


Your local Trauma Nurse..
For me when I have new tires, I ride like I'm on ice for the first 100 miles. After that I let 'er rip.

Anywho, sorry to hear about the superman impression. Just remember, 'Chicks dig scars!'. :p

Seriously though, good to hear that you are in one piece. The bike can be fixed easily enough, your a little bit harder..


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ╯(°□° ╯)
stan23 said:

any tips to make life easier?

Lay off the fapping to myspace if you want the wrists to heal up. :twofinger


Are you able to uhhhh wipe? (IIRC Valgar could give you some input on this subject)

Sorry to hear dude- heal up quick!


Well-known member
Oh, shit, Stan. Sorry to hear it.

How bad's the damage to the Duc? Are you going to have to take off work (you type for a living, right?)

Heal quickly.


Well-known member
Heal up soon..Wrist fractures can suck at healing if they are not cared for in the prescribed way..Especially the scaphoid (snuff-box) bone..


Well-known member
Update 9/8/06
There was a passionate rejection to my post "An attorney consultation may be advisable, and helpful to the riding community." Knowing your legal rights and responsibilities is always a good idea. Legal consultation does not automatically produce "litigation", or "class action product liability lawsuits". It may result in sharing of financial responsibilty for actual damages. In this particular thread it appears that the new rear tire was grossly overinflated, possibly contributing to this serious injury. Legal consultation may illuminate who should pay for the actual damages to the rider.

Most attorneys offer a 'free 1/2 hour initial consultation'. There really is nothing to lose, and at the least, it will be illuminating. It may be the rider is 100% responsible for this accident. I don't know. Neither do the various posters outraged with the idea of legal consultation.

No I am not an attorney, just a fellow rider and health care provider.

Let's see. I (the manufacturer and dealer) sell a product that is known to unsafe, that causes injury or death. I know how to make the product safer but don't.

An analogy: I buy new brakes for my car. The dealer/service manager tells me to "go easy" for the first 100 miles or so until the brakes wear in; I leave, come to a stop sign, engage my non-functional brakes, and the car fails to stop. Death and injury result. This is unacceptable.

Simple preparation of the motorcycle tires would have prevented this accident and countless others. There are easy techniques for the dealer to remove the mold release compound from the new tires before the customer gets on the highway.

A study (magazine article would do) examining the friction coefficients and braking and swerving distances for new versus seasoned tires would be interesting. I would prefer this type of article over "will the new Hayabusa really have 200+ hp????" and similar articles.

Wrist fractures are complex for several reasons. One concern is the precarious blood supply to the bones, with the possibility of necrosis. Be sure to get the best possible care possible, and comply with the medical program, including rehab. from hand specialists.

What a shame. An attorney consultation may be advisable, and helpful to the riding community.

Good luck.
Last edited:

Rick T.

Sorry to hear about the injury... Lay off BARF for a while - or keep typing with your toes. Your wrists will need healing.

Good time to catch up on some racing videos (or porn)...

Heal up.


Is it summer yet?
Ouch, sorry Stan. Heal up quick. Only advice is to follow what the doctors say. I'm bad at that and always cause myself extra grief by pushing things too early.


Well-known member
Damn, that is about maximum suck. Hang in there! Hopefully others will be a bit more careful on new tires after reading about this.


Well-known member
bmer97 said:
Simple preparation of the motorcycle tires would have prevented this accident and countless others. There are easy techniques for the dealer to remove the patina from the new tires before the customer gets on the highway.

Tell me: what are tire manufacturers or dealers going to do that will prevent you from crashing because you've leaned over too far on cold tires? My guess is that's what caused the crash here, not the mythical "mold release" that old wives are always carping about...


Still Good Lookin'
Sorry to hear it. I broke a couple of metacarpals once, and that was bad enough for me. Remember to keep your hands at or above the level of your heart for a couple of days. Otherwise the throbbing starts.


Well-known member
For the love of GODDDD, I hope you weren't riding the Duc :cry

(is it tacky for me to disregard the health of your wrists and be more concerned about the welfare of the much beloved Ducati?)


Totally Tubular
Shit, Stan!!

I give my tires 200 miles and use the least amount of lean angle possible.

Doesn't sound like you even let the tires warm up before tipping it in. Has nothing to do with speed, you rolled the tire onto virgin, slick tire, and down she went.

P.S. Hire a fluffer to get you through the Hard times. :laughing

Heal up. :thumbup