Negative $700K on Robinhood account

Networking can be a factor of the college's location more than your classmates too. I came back to college later in life and got more job offers from drinking at bars around the areas / companies I wanted to work for than I did from classmates.


Fire Watcher
Have to agree considering the large number of nieces/nephews/sons of friends/daughters of friends/kids of ex employees etc. etc. who have made a successful career for themselves in all fields of work.

Government/medical field/medical testing/high tech/law enforcement/education/engineering, the list goes on and on.

Only one of them graduated from an elite school.

The wealthiest good, personal friend I have ($20 mil plus) graduated from Cedarville University, a small Baptist college in Cedarville, Ohio, with an accounting degree and probably $500 to his name. Worked his ass off to become successful and raised 10 children, four of his own and six adopted from Russia and China. But this was the kid who had a paper route at eight years old; was the local source for buying illegal fireworks in the neighborhood in the summer; bought cars - fixed them - and resold them when he was a teenager, etc. Some people are just go getters.


It's always interesting how in discussions like this someone will bring up someone who "made it", and that is somehow the exception that proves the rule.


Well-known member
As long as the American dream is still technically alive, it's the same as being as prevalent as it's ever been, even if the statistical likelihood has changed dramatically over the years.


Well-known member
It's always interesting how in discussions like this someone will bring up someone who "made it", and that is somehow the exception that proves the rule.

Yeah, you too can drop out of school like Gates and Jobs and become the next internet billionaire!